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December 28 1996

Part of me regrets giving Weaslette that knife. Every day since she has taken it upon herself to locate me and teach her more, it's really cutting into my alone time with Granger.

With it being the holidays, I've been busier than ever with assignments and overlooking other operations since they know I don't have any school. I'd much prefer to spend the little free time I have with my girl, not my girl's irritating friend.

"If you manage to break skin I'll give you 50 galleons." I offer, knowing damn well she'll never be able to.

"And what if I manage to cut off a hand?" She asks.

"Ginny." Granger's tone a warning.

"Then I'll give you 1,000." I reply. I look over at Granger, who is barely able to watch, and give her a quick wink. "Alright freckles, give it your best shot, last one for the day."

She places her left foot forward slightly, rolls back her shoulders and raises the knife. I remain casual, hands in my pocket, a taunting yawn escaping my mouth.

"Any day now." I drawl.

She lunges forward, aiming for my shoulder. Stupid mistake. I grab her wrist and yank her arm down, the knife dropping out of her hand and into my free one. Swiftly, I reposition myself behind her and hold the knife near her neck.

"Dead." I whisper.

"I could've sworn I had you that time!"

"You're improving, barely, but still - improving." I tell her, spinning the knife between my fingers.

"It's that knife!" She argues. "I need a bigger one."

"I am not giving you another one."

"But I-"


"Malfoy just-"

I raise a hand to silence her. "My charity work is done for the day, please leave and make sure the door hits you on the way out." I push down on the blade, locking it back into its guard before tossing it over to her.

"Such bull shit!" She shouts, throwing her hands up into the air as she stomps out of my room.

"That kid has an awful attitude." I say to Granger as I join her on the bed.

"That kid admires you."

I quickly bring the back of my hand to her forehead, then to her cheek and then I check her palms.

"Draco," she giggles. "What are you doing?"

"I'm checking your temperature. Do you feel warm? Nauseas? Do you have a headache?"

She playfully slaps my hand away. "I feel perfectly fine, what are you on about?"

"Well you must be ill if you think freckles admires me. There's nothing about me to be admired, by anyone."

Granger rolls her eyes. "Yes there is. I'm not saying she admires the fact that you've.. you know.. killed people but I do think she admires the fact that you're so well versed in combat. Ginny's the youngest and only girl among her siblings, the girl likes to fight."

I wonder what it would have been like to grow up with siblings. I think I would've mostly hated it but it could have been nice to have someone else around. Merlin knows neither of my parents offered me much attention. I guess I did sort of grow up with a sibling though, Theo.

He and I have been friends since we were young and when his parents were killed he began staging with us a lot more. Most summers he spent at least the beginning weeks with me at the manor. Part of me feels bad for sort of abandoning him once we became death eaters but at the time it was hard. Hard for me to separate our friendship and what needed to be done.

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