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February 7 1996

My fingers are brushing through her curls, her head resting in my lap as she tells me about the constellations forming in the night sky. I'm trying my best to pay attention but all I can think about is what happened during dinner tonight.

Frances sitting down beside her, making her laugh, his hand touching her back. I didn't even need to bother using occlumency to know what was going through his head. He fancies her and of course he fucking does. Granger is remarkable both physically and intellectually, she's the woman of practically every man's dreams and to the public she's up for grabs.

"There's actually a constellation named after you, though it's not very prominent most nights - what's on your mind?" She asks, regaining my attention.

With no hesitation I reply "I want to tell my friends and I want you to tell yours." She just stares at me, waiting for me to say that I'm joking. "We can do it together if you want." I add.

Sitting up she begins biting her nails, I hate when she does that. Grabbing her hand to stop her, her eyes flick up to mine. "Where is this even coming from?"

"Don't act like it just came out of the blue Granger." I scoff. "You know that I've wanted to for awhile now."

"Yes and we've already agreed that it's a bad idea."

"No, you said that it was a bad idea and I just didn't fight it."

"Sure but you know it was with good reason."

"Was it?"

"Yes Draco!" Her voice raising.

"Do enlighten me then."

"To protect us! To keep your father from finding out. You're the one who said he would disinherit you if he caught news of us."

"To which I then said that I don't care so that argument is invalid."

Her eyes search mine, full of disbelief that we are even having this conversation, then something flashes across her face and she throws my hand and stands. "This is about Frances isn't it? I can't believe it!"

"So what if it is?" I challenge, also standing.

"I am not your property Draco! People are allowed to speak to me!"

My jaw clenches, biting my tongue before I speak. Keep calm, file the anger away, lock it up and build a wall. Stay level headed.

"He touched you." I say calmly.

"And what about it?" She snips.

"He wants you."


One word has never hit me as hard as that one just did. Her tone wasn't her usual soft, empathetic and reassuring that is usually used when we have arguments over things like this. No, it sounded more like she saw no problem with other guys wanting her, almost like she.. enjoys it.

File away. Lock. Bury. Lay bricks down. Build a-

"What's so wrong with other guys showing interest in me?" She says, her question derailing my entire effort of controlling my temper. My eyes lower, darken, as I step forward. "What's wrong about it is that you are already spoken for and even though they may not be aware you are. So forgive me for being not being ecstatic over the fact that I have to sit back and watch as guys make eyes at you all day and you not stopping them."

"You act like girls aren't all over you Draco." She argues. "I see Astoria following you around all the time like a lost puppy. I don't see you telling her to piss off."

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