Epilogue 2

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(The last chapter was technically supposed to be the *last* chapter but I'm finding it hard to say goodbye. So here is your second epilogue. It's very dialogue heavy, I hope you enjoy.)

p.s those reading on AO3 won't be getting this chapter until tomorrow


August 22 2018

"Love, I really don't see why we need to go to all of this trouble. He's just going to rip it open anyways."

The glare that this witch shoots over at me is terrifying, especially combined with the scissors in her hand. "It matters because it's the effort that went into it. While he may not care about the wrapping I do."

I raise both of my hands in surrender and continue with my task of ripping off pieces of tape and handing them to her. I still think doing this the muggle way is quite foolish. We've been at it for nearly an hour now and there's still four more things that need to be perfectly wrapped and topped off with a bow. If we just used magic like I suggested, we would've been done ages ago. I gave up on that argument after his second birthday when Granger proceeded to transfigure me into a ferret — I didn't appreciate that.

"Draco." Her harsh tone is all I need to know she's discovered the present that I contributed to the pile.

"Yes, love?"

"What in Merlin's name are these?" She asks as she holds up the set of various knives.


"Yes I'm aware that they're knives but what are they doing in Scorpius' pile of presents?"

"You're the one who said we needed to wrap everything."

"We are not giving our eleven year old son knives!"

"Technically he's twelve in three.. two..." Staring down at my watch, the second it turns midnight I exclaim "One! Twelve. Scorpius is twelve, the proper age to receive such a gift."


"Why not? I was only a year older when I received my first knife." I argue.

"And how did that work out for you?"

"Pretty well." I shrug. "Earned me a fancy title and everything though I never got a raise in that position, or any money at all which I still think is utter shit."

"Draco." She groans.

"Relax." I say as I brush the hair out of her face. "He's our son, being skilled with a knife is in his dna."

"We aren't giving them to him. Now get them out of my sight before I remind you just how skilled I am with one."

"Love, don't sweet talk me like that. You know how much I love a good threat." I smirk.

"Now Draco!"

"Alright, alright." Grabbing the knives, I begin walking out of the room but stop in the doorway and turn back around to face her. "Hey Granger."


"You're still the most beautiful witch I've ever laid my eyes on."

Her cheeks turn a soft shade of red as she bites down on her bottom lip to help hide her smile as she rolls her eyes. "It's Granger-Malfoy." She corrects.

August 23 2018

"It's still so strange to think about the fact that we're both dads." Theo says as we stand in the corner of the room and watch as Scorpius and his son, Henry, run around the room with their brooms.

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