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November 4 1997

"It was Grindelwald, he's the one who stole the elder wand." Granger informs us as she places a book down on the table. "This is why Voldemort has you tracking him down."

"And the elder wand is?" I ask, raising a brow.

"Only the most powerful wand in the world you numpty." Weasley adds.

"I should have left you back in Godric's hollow."

"Can we focus please?" Granger says. "Draco, what exactly does Voldemort want you to do once you find him?"

"Kill him."

"Yeah, I could've seen that one for you Hermione." Potter says.

Granger smacks him on the back of the head, which very much so turned me on, and takes the seat beside me.

"You can't kill him Draco."

"Love, I think after last night I've proven that I am very much capable of doing so."

She shakes her head. "No, that's not what I meant. You can't kill Grindelwald because if he's the owner of the elder wand and you kill him then his allegiance will then turn to you."

"What if I just say no?" I suggest. "Just tell the stick that I'm not its mother and want nothing to do with it."

Her head falls into her hands as she takes a deep breath. The table begins lightly shaking as her leg begins rapidly bouncing, she's stressed. Placing my hand on her thigh to calm her I say "I'm sorry, I'll stop with the wit. Talk to me Granger." As her eyes meet mine again and I brush my thumb across her cheek.

"Voldemort and Harry's wand share a feather from the phoenix Fawkes." She begins. "He knows that if he wishes to beat Harry in a duel he would need something far more powerful. If you become the owner of the elder wand he'd kill you."

Well that's some shit luck. Perhaps I should have been worse at my job. I just have to be great at everything that I do, huh? There's nothing that I can say or do to make her feel better right now. My orders are simple, locate Grindelwald and execute. This is also probably a bad time to tell her that I'll be away for a bit but here goes nothing.

"Bulgaria?!" Her words full of disbelief.

I nod. "My father arrived there this morning. He's getting everything in order but I'm to oversee everything else."

"When do you leave? How long will you be gone?"

"Tomorrow and I'm not sure, a few months maybe?"

Her leg is bouncing again, she's biting her nails and I can see the strain in her eyes as she tries to hold back her tears. I look over at Potter and Weasley and tilt my head to the side, gesturing for them to give us some space. For once, they listen and leave us be.

"Granger, look at me." Her head lifts, I lower her hand from her face and tuck her hair behind her ear. "Everything will be fine. I may not be able to come see you as often but this changes nothing. I made that bracelet for a reason, whenever you need me I will always come, no matter how far away I am. Whatever you need, just say the word and it's yours."

"What if you get hurt? What if Voldemort hurts you again and you're too far away and I can't help you?" Her voice shaking.

"My love," I smile, taking her hand. "The only person in the world who is capable of truly hurting me is you. Everything else is simply an inconvenience."

Most of the night was spent with her body latched onto mine. She held me in a way that she never has before, it was like she was trying to memorize every inch of my body, every curve, every scar and I was very much doing the same. I have no intentions of this being my last time seeing her, I plan on experiencing moments like these for the rest of my life but I'll gladly take any chance I can to hold her.

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