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June 1 2001

I could get used to this whole "auror" thing. I don't know why anyone ever complains about working, this shit is so easy. I come into the office, coffee is already made and there's free food. As I enter the break room, I pour myself a cup of coffee and whip up some tea for Granger. Just as I'm about to leave I stop by the treats table to collect my usual raspberry scone when suddenly, anger floods my body. Marching into the main room, I cross the entire length of the office and find myself in Lupin's doorway.

"Morning, did you receive my note– what's the problem?" He asks as he takes notice of my expression.

"Whoever is in charge of the scones needs to be fired." I tell him.

"And why is that?"

"There's only blueberry this morning."

He sets down his quill, removes his glasses and leans back into his chair. "Would you mind telling me why this would warrant someone being let go?"

"Because it throws off my entire day!" I exclaim, irritated that he isn't understanding how big of a deal this is. "Every morning I get my cup of coffee and enjoy a raspberry scone while Potter goes on about who knows what. Now here I am, coffee in hand and no raspberry scone!"

"What's wrong with having a blueberry one?" He questions.

"The problem is that it's not raspberry. Honestly Lupin, how you're still failing to see the issue here speaks volumes."

He lets out a soft chuckle and gets up from his chair. Making his way around his desk, he sits on the edge and crosses his arms.

"I see you also have another cup in your hand. If I'm not mistaken it's ginger chai with.." He takes a moment to sniff the air before continuing. "Honey. Hermione's favorite is it not?" How astute, must be the canine senses.

"Don't ask me questions with obvious answers Lupin." I scoff. "And don't try to change the subject. So, how are you going to deal with the fuckwit who handles the scones? Might I suggest transfiguring them into a rat and offering them up to the owls down in the mail room?"

"As reasonable and valid your feelings are, I don't believe you would want me to do that."

"And why not? You really need to get this whole idea that I care for others out of your head. I may be a reformed man but I'm still me, which means I'm still very much without a conscience."

"Because your daily morning treats aren't ministry provided, an employee takes it upon themselves to bring them in." He tells me.

"Okay? I'm still not seeing why I would be against the previously mentioned."

"The employee is Hermione, Draco."


"Yeah, that's what I thought." He says, patting my shoulder. "You really should give the blueberry a shot, it's quite delicious."

"I hate blueberry." I mutter under my breath before turning and exiting his office.

This is terrible. How am I supposed to live knowing that the woman I love would do something this horrific? There must be some mistake, perhaps she was running late and asked someone else to pick them up this morning. Yeah, that has to be it. There's no way my Granger would do something like this to me.

As I'm closing in on her desk I rehearse several different ways to casually bring up the troll in the room. "Hey Granger, here's your tea. By the way, did you happen to slip and hit your head this morning because that's the only reasonable explanation as to why you would do such a vile thing like get blueberry." No, that's too harsh. "Morning Granger, I got you some tea. Also, do you really hate me that much that you would do something so fucked–"

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