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December 24 1995

Yesterday and today have primarily consisted of me wandering the school, I even found myself chatting with Myrtle in the girls lavatory. When she's not crying or screaming she's actually not too bad to be around. Granger has actively avoided me since our previous engagement but I figured that would happen. The other students who are still at school are gathering in the great hall for some Christmas celebration meal, you couldn't pay me enough to join in on that.

I'm laying on a bench in the oxford corridor, bantering back and forth with one of the portraits. "You've really got to stop giving Dodderidge food Giffard, she's one scone away from not fitting in her frame." I say, tossing my apple up into the air.

"The bloody woman has been pregnant for centuries. It would do you good to find some decency in that cold-shriveled heart of yours Mr. Malfoy." He says. "Especially if you wish to win over a young lady like her."

I raise a brow as I follow his line of sight, tilting my head back to see an upside down Granger marching her way towards me. "We need to talk Malfoy."

I reposition myself so that I'm no longer laying but instead sitting on the bench, gesturing for her to continue on.

"Right." She huffs, now standing in front of me. "You can't go around punching every guy who looks my way, in fact you can't just go around punching people in general, it needs to stop." I go to speak but she holds her hand up to stop me. "If, whatever this is between us, is to continue you need to learn some self control."

"I have perfect control over myself Granger." I argue to which she practically laughs in my face. "Is that so? Dare I bring up Victor Daniels? I believe you broke his knee."

"He had his wand dug into Theo's neck." I shrug.

"What about Jason and Owen?"

"They tampered with a bludger that ended up costing me a few days in the infirmary."

"Jason's hand was mutilated far before then." She says.

"He laid his hands on Pansy."

"Fine. Then what about Andrew Clevely, he was sent to the hospital wing with a broken rib."

"He was just annoying." I admit.

"This is what I'm talking about Malfoy! You have no control over your impulses and always have to even the score with revenge." She snipes.

"You call it revenge I call it returning the favor." I say, standing up from the bench. "As for the guy at the three broomsticks, you can't possibly tell me that he wasn't crossing the line." "That's not the point." She says, shaking her head. "Then what is the point, Granger?"

Neither of us move a muscle as she stares up at me, the corridor is quiet enough to where I can hear her take a sharp breath. "The point is," She pants. "I can't be with someone who turns to violence for everything."

Be with someone? My head tilts, unsure if I'm understanding her correctly. "Not even just as friends." She adds, thankfully clarifying for me before I do anything stupid.

"And what if I don't want to be friends Granger?" A small smile tugs at the corner of her mouth before speaking. "Then you'll miss out on all of the festive activities I have planned for us this evening."

I'm not one for festivities but I am one for spending time with her, even if we are just friends.. for now.

She reaches into the small bag hanging from her shoulder and pulls out a red triangular shaped hat and a god awful jumper, a wide smile on her face as she holds them in front of me.

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