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March 10 1997

I'm on my way to the room of requirement to work on the stupid cabinet when I hear Potter call my name from behind. Turning, I see him marching his self righteous arse right towards me, his hands fisted into a ball at his sides.

"Scarhead, what an unpleasant surprise."

"What's going on with you and Ginny?!" He yells.


"Yeah, you know, Ron's little sister?" He says. "I've noticed you two hanging out a lot and she's always sitting with you during breakfast. Are you two-"

"I'm going to stop you right there." I say, raising my hand to silence him. "Gods, are you really that thick in the head? There is nothing going on between Weaslette and I."

"I don't believe you."

"I really don't care if you do."

"Then why has she been acting so strange lately?" He asks.

"You're going to have to define strange Potter."

His eyebrows pull together as he begins listing off several things such as, her face going red whenever he talks to her. How she runs out of the room anytime he walks in and the way she's started stuttering if he does manage to get her to talk to him. It's official, they're both imbeciles.

"Have you ever heard of someone liking you Potter?"

His eyes go wide. "Liking me?" He asks, as if it's a foreign concept. "No.." His entire face and neck turn a bright shade of red as he shakes his head. "Ginny doesn't.. there's no way she.."

"I know, who would have ever thought the day would come where someone would show romantic interest in you? But congratulations," I say, patting his back. "You've managed to defeat the odds."

Shit, if I knew that all it took to get him to shut up would be to tell him that Weaslette has feelings for him I would have done so a long time ago. He's much more tolerable when silent. After a few minutes of staring at him, his jaw on the floor, I remove myself from the area and continue on my way to the room of requirement.

March 27 1997

It's almost fully mended. Just a few more weeks and this ancient piece of shit should be ready which means I'm running out of time. Granger's occlumency has reached an acceptable level but I'm still working with her on it. As for her physical combat skills... I love the woman but I pray to Godrick that she never finds herself in a position where she has no wand.

Ever since I informed the dark lord of my progress on the cabinet Blaise and Pansy have started to receive assignments of their own. As we get closer to invading Hogwarts a few death eaters have started breaking off, attempting to run. Pansy has been put in charge of tracking a few, when she finds their location she informs me and I'm sent to dispose of them.

Blaise is still a glorified human owl. He collects our mail and delivers it to us but he's very proud of his work. I see no harm in letting him continue to feel as important as he does. Theo has been given more work as well. He's assigned a target of his own a week and has been ordered to shadow me on mine. Our friendship isn't back to normal by any means but it's not nearly as strained as it was before.

Apparently him and Pansy are getting pretty serious, he even entertained the idea of marrying her one day. Pansy Nott, what a fucking trip that would be. I'm happy for him though, both of them. During this time we have to find whatever it is that gives our life meaning, any light we can manage to find in this dark fucking abyss.

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