"It's Granger-Malfoy" (Scorpius' Version)

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September 1 2018

Ever since I received my letter, mum and dad couldn't stop gushing about how exciting their first day was. "It was magical, like out of a dream." My mum told me as she reminisced about her first time stepping into the great hall. "It was the first time I felt like I had a home," Dad added.

Magical and like home.

Both of those things sounded nice, but as I step through the two giant doors with my classmates, I find that I'm not feeling either of those things. Instead, all I feel is dread with a side of nausea.

Albus, Amelia, and Henry seem to be just fine. Their eyes are wide as they look around the room in complete awe, but it's different for them. Albus will surely be sorted into Gryffindor. Amelia and Henry will undoubtedly be placed in Slytherin, but where do I fit in? My mum is the wizarding society's golden girl to this day and my father is, what everyone believes to be, a war criminal.

I love my parents but I think they forget how cruel kids can be. I mean it's been centuries since they were one themselves. There are so many expectations for me, and everyone is waiting to see which family name I'll be living up to. Will I be selfless, brave, and kind like my mum or will I be snarky and ruthless like my dad?

I think everyone expects me to be like the latter.

Other students on the train preferred to cram into overly crowded cabins than join me in mine. On the boat ride over, everyone was quick to talk to my friends but once I was introduced and they heard my last name, specifically the last half, they shut down and turned away.

"You could never disappoint me." My dad's words keep repeating over and over in my head until my name is called. As I step forward, Headmaster McGonagall offers me a kind smile and tip of the head. Taking a seat, Professor Sinistra carefully places the sorting hat on my head and my nerves kick into overdrive.

"Ah, a difficult one." The sorting hat announces. "You carry the heart of a lion and the cleverness of a snake. You value honesty, bravery, ambition, and resourcefulness, young Mr. Malfoy."

"It's Granger-Malfoy," I mutter under my breath.

"That's right, how could I overlook such a peculiar thing? Granger-Malfoy." The sorting hat drawls. "It seems only right that I'm finding it difficult to decide which house best suits you. Hmm, where to put you...."

My cheeks are growing redder by the second. Every student in the great hall is watching me - waiting to see if I'll be good or evil. Uncle Harry always told me there's no such thing as good or evil, that we all have both light and dark inside of us, and that what matters is the power we choose to act on.

Like my parents, he's forgotten how cruel and quick kids are to judge. Even with Uncle Ben's new curriculum in place at school, there will always be prejudice. I know my dad said that it doesn't matter what house I'm sorted into but I can't help but feel like it's a losing game.

If I'm sorted into Gryffindor then I'm letting him down, and if I'm sorted into Slytherin then surely mum would be disappointed. Maybe I'd just be better off in Ravenclaw or even Hufflepuff.

"You're conflicted. Afraid to upset either of your parents. You have quite the reputation to live up to on both sides." The sorting hat says. "You are a difficult one, Mr. Granger-Malfoy, but I see it now.. yes... better be... Gryffindor!"

The room echoes as everyone claps, though it's clear no one is genuinely excited for me. The Slytherins look rather cross that I wasn't sorted there, and the Gryffindors look less than happy as I walk over and join them at their table, except one.

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