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November 16 1995

Quidditch practice was rough today. Sleeping upright in a chair was not kind to my back. The slightest shift in wind nearly caused me to fall off my damn broom as I was too stiff.

Walking off the pitch I spot Granger, she's hiding behind the stands, her curls just barely peaking out. As my teammates pass by her I watch as she tucks herself further in.

"Coast is clear Granger." I announce, leaning against the wooden post. She checks to the left of her and then the right before tip toeing out.

"I'm surprised you went back there." "Why's that?" She asks as she readjusts her skirt. "That's a prime hookup spot."

Her eyes widen as she looks back at where she was just standing. "That's foul!" She says, a disgusted look on her face. I grab onto the post and twist my torso to help stretch my back.

"I must say Malfoy, your performance out there was rather weak compared to usual. I believe I saw you almost fall off of your boom not once but twice." She taunts. "Can't keep your eyes off of me can you Granger?" I smirk. 

Her lip curls as she rolls her eyes before setting her books down on the bench. "Right, should we get started then?"

"We're not working here."

"Why? Not up to your standards?"

"I would just prefer to not get a splinter in my arse though you seem to already have one up yours."

Grabbing the books with one hand and my broom the other I begin walking off, she pouts for a moment before eventually following suit. In true Granger fashion she berates me for my impertinent comment.

"I mean seriously Malfoy, who do you think you are?"

Stopping mid stride her head crashes into my back causing her to stumble backwards.

"What the-" Her eyes scan over the scenery and then at me. "What's this?"

"A lake."

"I meant this." Pointing at the blanket laid out on the grass.

"A blanket. Honestly Granger, aren't you supposed to be the brightest witch of our age?" A mocking grin on my face as I set the books down on the blanket and prop my broom against the tree.

She takes a seat, her legs forming an s shape out to her left and ankles crossed as her hands carefully pat the fabric of her skirt down to cover as much of her thighs as possible. "I'm assuming this was your doing? Unless, of course, we just happened to stumble upon it."

"Everyone knows you would never let a book touch the ground." I state as I remove my shin and arm guards. Tossing them beside my broom I strip off my jersey, as I'm kicking off my shoes and unzipping my pants she  lets out a gasp.

Her head is turned away from me as she covers her eyes. "What do you think you're doing?" "Going for a swim." I reply, heading over to the water.

As I'm stepping in I peek over my shoulder to see her eyes already on me. Her cheeks flush as she clears her throat, redirecting her attention to the book in her lap as soon she notices me looking at her.

I turn back around, satisfied with myself for causing her to blush. Diving head first into the water I swim farther out until my feet are no longer able to touch the bottom.

"You know there are grindylows in there, right?" She calls out. "They wouldn't think twice about drowning you."

"I'm sure you'd love nothing more."

"And they bite!" She adds.

"Don't you have a research paper to be working on?"

"Well I can't very well do that when my main source of information is off galavanting in the water."

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