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November 10 1995

There's a loud commotion coming from the courtyard, several students from all houses gathered around.

I nearly continue on, not caring for the petty school drama, when all of a sudden I hear Theo's laugh.

"What is it this time?" I groan to myself as I push through the crowd. Once I'm in the center I see Theo backed up against the tree, a hufflepuff shoving his wand into his throat.

"Bit early for a beheading isn't it?" I ask, the hufflepuff, who I discover to be Victor Daniels, turning his head to look back at me, a wide smile appearing on Theo's face. "Draco!"

"Theo." I nod. "Should we wrap this up now or are you not done playing around?"

"I am a bit peckish." He shrugs.

"Very well." As I kick in the back of the kid's knee Theo swings his arm, knocking his wand out of his hand.

"What seems to be the problem Daniels?" I ask as I walk around to Theo's side. Now on the ground, clutching his leg in pain, he stares angrily up at the both of us.

"He slept with my girlfriend!" I look over at Theo, "Melinda? Really mate?" My question full of disgust and disappointment.

"It was just a blow job." He replies innocently.

"Ah, see!" I exclaim. "Problem solved. He didn't sleep with her. It was just a blow job." I reiterate to Daniels.

"Yeah, I fucking heard." He snipes.

"Wonderful. Since we're done here." I turn to Theo and we both nod before walking off.

"Pretty pathetic that you needed your little bodyguard to save you Nott!" Daniels shouts from behind.

We both simultaneously stop in our tracks and glare at one another before heading back for him.

"You should be thanking me for stepping in when I did." I tell him. "Or else you'd find yourself with more than just a broken knee."

He scoffs at my statement. "Theo would be the one in the infirmary." He tells us, which makes us both burst into laughter.

"Fuck Victor, I almost forgot how funny you are." Theo says between laughs. "You actually believe a word of that?"

He looks between the both of us confused. "I-I had you! You were defenseless."

Theo kneels down so that they're eye level. "See, unlike you, I don't need to rely on a wand to fight my battles. Not sure if you noticed, but I disarmed you in just a few seconds."

"Only because Malfoy kicked my bloody knee in!"

"I only did that for my own enjoyment." I shrug.

Theo pats his cheek "Maybe next time, see ya around mate." He stands and rejoins me. "Oh! Let Melinda know I'm free tonight, would you?" He flashes him a snarky smile and wink before we head off.

As we're sitting in the library I let out a soft chuckle.

"Piss off, I don't want to hear it Malfoy."

"It's just-Melinda? Really?" I raise a brow at him.

"She's not that bad." He argues.

"Look. I know you're desperate to wet your whistle but do try to have some dignity."

"A mouth is a mouth at the end of the day. Got the job done."

"You're a fucking idiot."

Abruptly, a stack of books are slammed down on the edge of our table.

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