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September 20 1997

The sun is shining down, warmth covering every inch of my body. There's a light breeze that brushes through my hair as the sound of birds chirping echo around us. Her curls form a messy ball on top of her head, her wand poked through to hold its place. Beauty radiates from her as she plants the last of the flowers along the front of the cottage, our cottage. Never in my life did I think a small house composed of bricks, lined with a variation of flowers and completed with a white picket fence would be a place I'd call home but here I am and there's nowhere I'd rather be.

"Are you going to just stand there and gawk or are you going to help me?" She asks, the gold flakes in her eyes more prominent than ever. She pats her hands against her pants to rid them of the dirt and walks up to me. "What's going on in that head of yours Draco?"

A smile creeps its way across my lips as I shake my head, my thumb brushing the dirt from her cheek. "Nothing." I say. "You're just beautiful is all."

Blush stains her cheeks as she smiles down at her feet. "You know, the more you say it the more I begin to wonder if you're lying."

I place my finger underneath her chin, tilting her head back for her to look at me. "I would never lie to you, especially not about that. You're the most breathtaking thing I've ever seen in my life, love." She lifts up on her tippy toes, her lips meeting mine. It's short but enough to fill my entire body with ecstasy.

"Now enough of the sweet nothings, back to work." She says. "Can you go grab my gloves for me? They're on the kitchen table."

Stepping inside our house, I take a moment to look over the photos that line our walls. There's the one of that bloody cat and I in front of a christmas tree from our time at Hogwarts, a few of us from the trips we've taken, even one of all of her friends and I but the one that stands out the most to me is the photo hanging above the couch.

She's dressed in a floor length white dress and I in a black tux, it's from our wedding day. The day that we both promised to love each other forever, through the good and bad, until the day that we die but the thing is even when I die I'll still love her.

"Draco!" She calls for me, snapping me out of my sappy thoughts. Locating the gloves, I head back outside.

"Here you go lov-" I stop in my tracks, the gloves falling from my hands.

"Draco?" Blood is pouring out from her abdomen, staining her hands. Rushing over to her side, I catch her in my arms just as her knees give out.

"Granger - what- what happened?" My voice breaking as I slowly lower her down to the ground.

"You weren't there." She says. "Why didn't you come?"

"What, love? What are you talking about? Come where?"

"Y-you said you'd always come for me." Her voice weak as her breath hitches.

"I don't understand. I'm right here sweetheart, I'm right here."

She lets out one final breath, her chest lowering as her arms fall limp and eyes shut.

"No, no, no, no, no." I light shake her body as I beg her to wake up. "Come on love, just open your eyes for me, can you do that?" No response. "Just open your eyes dammit!" I shout. "Please Hermione, wake up, you can't leave me."

My eyes snap open as I shoot up, a small pair of hands pressing against my chest.

"Draco, you're fine, you're okay, calm down."

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