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May 13 1998

For the past three hours I've stood here and listened as they listed off every individual that had the displeasure of my company since I joined the death eaters. Horrific gasps often filled the air whenever specifics were provided on their state when discovered. I'm bored, annoyed and there's a knot in my neck that I can't rid myself of no matter how much I massage it. I've never sat in on a proper wizengamot trial before, the closest thing to one I've experienced were the muggle trials Umbridge conducted and those were far shorter.

Everyone has just returned from their fifteen minute recess, I wasn't offered the same luxury. The rows begin to line with red and black robes. I've come to find that the color differentiates the lot on their rank. Red is worn by those whose opinions are valued but black is sported by the ones who essentially have the final say.

Shacklebolt was appointed minister but I wasn't foolish enough to believe for even a moment that it would work in my favor. Sure, he was a part of The Order and is aware of the information and help that I provided but his title is new. Starting off by pardoning me of my crimes would not only look bad on his behalf but would surely result in a prompt dismissal.

"Mr. Malfoy." He begins. "We will now be hearing from witnesses. Once those have concluded you will be given a chance to also speak, do you understand?"

Why does everyone keep asking me that? Do I look like an inept muppet? Of course I understand, I do have a brain after all. My response to Shacklebolt is nonverbal, a simple wave of my hand as if this entire trial is nothing more than an inconvenience to me. He lowers his eyes and gives me a disapproving look before letting out a sigh and calling forward the first witness. My eyes are trained on the floor of the cage, my foot kicks at a single pebble that clinks against the metal bars just as the questioning begins.

"Please state your full name." Shacklebolt instructs.

"Remus John Lupin." Oh great, he's here. The bruising along his jawline has almost completely healed as is the cut across the mid of his neck. Part of me feels bad for what I did to him but in my defense, I could have actually killed him but I didn't. I'd say that should count for something. He starts off by sharing his occupation, his involvement with The Order and then, what everyone in the stands really wants to hear, he begins talking about what I've done.

"Mr. Malfoy was in fact a death eater. He served as a Lieutenant General within the Reformation sector and was essentially Voldemort's right hand man." Is he supposed to be advocating for me right now? Because if so, he's going at it in a really shit way. "I'm not here today to stand before you all and justify nor excuse any of Mr. Malfoy's actions. You have all heard hours of the the horrendous things he has done but what you haven't heard is the full story, which is what I am here to provide."

It's reminding me of being in class back at Hogwarts as I listen to him drone on about my part within The Order, how I made an unbreakable vow and provided them with any knowledge I had on the whereabouts of the horcurxes. He finishes off his testimony with going over the war, how I orchestrated the Hogwarts infiltration and even the part about me willing to sacrifice myself for "the greater good". His words, not mine. My jaw is tightening and fist clenching as I anticipate him bringing her up but he doesn't.

They all begin mumbling amongst themselves before one lady clears her throat and begins spitting out a rapid fire of questions for him, trying to find any holes in his story but she doesn't. Shacklebolt and Lupin exchange a look, if I were to read into it I'd say Lupin was telling him to do what he can to help me to which Shacklebolt replied with something along the lines of his hands being tied. Whatever. I'm not here today to receive any sort of redemption. If it were up to me I would've already been on my way to Azkaban.

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