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December 26 1995

Let's get one thing straight, I don't date. I don't ask girls to be my girlfriend and I don't allow them to have any sort of claim over me.

I don't hold hands — unless it's Granger's.

I don't buy presents for girls — except for Granger.

I don't like my hair being touched — unless it's Granger.

And I certainly don't wear red — unless Granger asks it of me.

"It looks perfect!" She exclaims, clapping her hands together. The white fluffy ball continues to fall against my forehead no matter how many times I shove it to the side.

"I feel like a prat." I groan, my scalp already becoming itchy from the hat. Ignoring my complaint, she positions my body in front of the tree and holds up her camera.


My mouth remains a straight line, my arms crossed over my chest. As she lowers the camera from her eye, surely about to curse me for being so difficult, her vile cat rubs against my ankle before sitting down and staring at me.

"The fuck are you looking at?" I snarl. The stupid thing doesn't even blink, its face an angry frown per usual.

"Crookshanks!" Granger chimes, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth to gain his attention. Once his head turns towards her a bright flash comes from her camera, nearly blinding me.

The film slowly slides out from the bottom and her fingers tug at it, pulling it out and lightly shaking it as she walks over.

Now standing in front of me, I rest my hands on her shoulders and my chin on the top of her head as we watch the photo slowly appear.

"Now that's a Christmas card." She proudly states. As she's going off about how the hat really ties the entire photo together, just like she said it would, I find myself wondering if this would be a regular occurrence.

Would we be taking more ridiculous photos like this one and sending them off to family and friends for each holiday that arises? Am I to wear an absurd hat for each one? Will she be in them with me? Perhaps she could sit on my lap for the next one, my hand resting on her thigh while her arm wraps around my shoulders.

All I know is, if me looking like a complete dolt makes her this happy then I'll endure the few minutes of unpleasantness.

Perhaps I do date but only if it's Granger.

December 27 1995

Today she has introduced me to a muggle "delight" called eggnog. It's as revolting as the name sounds. She, however, seems quite keen on it, one of her very few flaws.

Another being the fact that she can't keep her hands to herself. Usually I wouldn't mind that trait but last night she discovered my only ticklish spot and has taken it upon herself to reach for it whenever possible.

In most cases this childish behavior would set me off but I've grown fond of it as it provides me with the opportunity to pin her beneath me.

She was on my bed earlier today, her curls a mess across my green sheets, wrists bound down by my hand and her breasts brushing against my chest.

I could've done whatever I wanted with her in that moment, she was practically begging for it as she wrapped her legs around me but I don't want to do it this way.

She's not some random slag I pulled aside because I was drunk and horny. If I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right.

She's Hermione fucking Granger for Merlin's sake, the least she deserves is to be properly courted.

December 28 1995

I brought her flowers today, peonies to be exact, her favorite. She had mentioned so sometime third year during a tangent in herbology about how they're linked to healing and goodwill or some shit like that.

It was a proper bitch getting them though, the winter season isn't exactly prime time for them. Took a long nights worth of floo calls to Asia and a decent amount of galleons to get them here but the look on her face was well worth it.

"What are these for?" She asks, closing her eyes as she takes in their scent.

"For you?" I reply, raising a brow.

"No – I know that." She giggles. "But what's the occasion?"

"Must there be one for me to give you something?"

"I haven't got anything for you though." She frowns.

"Granger, I do not give you things with the expectation of something in return." I say, cupping her cheek. "Seeing that look on your face is a gift in itself."

Her cheeks flush, the corner of her eyes wrinkling slightly as she smiles up at me.

"Yup, that one right there."

December 29 1995

We talked about her family today. She explained their jobs to me but I still haven't a clue as to the meaning behind their occupation.

She told me about her childhood, the family trips they would take together and how sometimes she wish she had a sibling but did enjoy having them all to herself. (Of course she immediately felt guilty afterwards)

As expected, her parents approval in who she is with means a great deal to her but if it was the right person she wouldn't let their feelings dictate.

Note to self, attempt to be less of a tosser when meeting Granger's parents.

December 30 1995

I let her have the last cookie, that earns more points than the flowers right?

December 31 1995

"Granger." I whisper, lightly shaking her shoulder. She rubs her eyes before slowly opening them, her small body curled up against me on the bench.


"I want to show you something."

I lift her off of me, standing up before holding my hand out to help her do the same. Guiding her through the castle, we make our way up to the astronomy tower. It's nearly midnight, the only light coming from the moon and stars sprinkled across the night sky.

"Over here." I say, positioning her on the north side. Her hands are gripping onto the railing and I position myself beside her. "Should be any second now." I tell her, checking my watch.

Just as it turns 12 a high pitch whistle comes from below quickly followed by a small spark flying up into the sky and bursting into various colors. Her mouth opens slightly as she watches the fireworks go off one by one.

"I didn't know Hogwarts did fireworks for new years." She says.

"They don't." Her eyes shift over to me, eyebrows pulled together as she gives me a confused look. "You had mentioned that you and your parents would watch them together so I thought since you can't this year I would bring them to you. Good to know fourth years aren't completely incompetent and know how to follow simple instructions."

"You must stop spending money on me Draco."

"I'd spend my last sickle on you without a second thought." I say, placing my hand on top of hers. "Whatever you want, just say the word and it's yours."

"And what if what I want is - you?"

Her body shifts to face me, her hands laid on my chest while mine find her waist. "Then I am all yours, Granger. For as long as you'll have me." 

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