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I haven't a clue where I am but by the looks of it I'm somewhere in London which explains why I feel a bit off kilter. Apparating from Berlin to London on a few hours of sleep should knock me on my arse but the adrenaline and rage coursing throughout my body is enough to counter the exhaustion.

I'm staring at, what appears to be, muggle housing. As confused as I am right now I'm just glad that I didn't apparate straight into a lifeless Granger on the floor but this still doesn't mean she's okay. I approach the black metal fencing and notice the slightest glimmer when the sun peaks out from behind the cloud. There's a ward on this building.

I take out my wand and immediately begin dissecting it. I'll give props to whoever put these in place, there were a few tricky ones and a rather nasty beheading hex but regardless of any of these wards and their complexities it takes me no more than a minute to dismantle them all, including the fidelius charm. It's clear that whoever occupies this place has gone to great measures to keep it from being found - a worrying revelation.

Wasting no more time, I march straight up with my wand pointed at the door. "Bombarda!" The door blows apart, wooden pieces flying everywhere. Stealth is of no concern to me at this time. I flick my wrist up slightly, every knife on me rising up into the air. Charging inside, I break down the first door to my left - empty.

"Granger!" I shout as I make my way down the hallway. No response. There's another door on my right, my boot slams into the center, breaking it off its hinges - empty. There's a faint sound of footsteps coming from the room at the end of the hallway. Heading straight towards the source, I enter the room and immediately grab onto the back of the individual's neck and slam them down onto the floor.

"Bloody hell! What the fuck is this?!" A familiar agitating voice yells.

"Where the fuck is she Potter?" My voice a low deep growl.



"Why would I tell you?"

I flip him over so that he's on his back, his eyes go wide as he stares at the knives floating in the air above me. "If you don't tell me where she is-"

"What? You'll kill me?" He asks.

A smirk creeps its way onto my face. "Don't tempt me with a good time, Potter."

"You wouldn't do it." He challenges. I'm just about to prove him wrong when I hear her say my name. My hands relinquish their hold on Potter, my knives fall to the ground and I shoot up, running straight over to her.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I'm frantically inspecting every inch of her body to make sure that everything is where it should be. Two arms. Two legs. One mop of curls. Two beautiful brown eyes. Everything seems to be in tact, not a single hair misplaced. "You look okay. What's going on love, what happened? Did they hurt you? Did Weasley touch you? I'll fucking kill him."

I step around her, ready to search every room in this house until I locate the slimy red headed bastard but she pulls me back by my arm.

"Draco no, look at me, I'm fine." She assures me.

"But I got an alert?"

Her cheeks flush as she attempts to lower her head but I grab her chin and lift it back up for her to meet my eyes.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I just.. I missed you and wanted a hug." She sheepishly admits.

My eyebrow quirks as I stare at her. "You had me apparate all the way from fucking Berlin, blast down a door and assault Potter for... a hug?" She nervously nods. "You are quite literally going to kill me one of these days Granger."

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