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A few things

Firstly, seeing as I had no beta and wrote this over the span of three months I know there's bound to be typos, holes within the plot or just a lot of repetitive words. I've recently started the editing process. The edits are being made directly on AO3 and once I've completely finished that I will update them here as well (so don't be confused if you randomly get a bunch of updates. I'm not sure if wattpad works like that but if it does, fair warning.)

Bound copies : personal use is approved. I know of two people who are already in the process of doing so. However, if you wish to bind this for commissions I request that you message me privately and provide me with your pricing and a break down (materials, shipping, etc.)

It hasn't been brought up on here but on other platforms I have been asked (that's a kind way of putting it, the correct term is accused but it is what it is) of not following canon compliant Hermione characteristics. Correct, a valid accusation seeing as that's exactly right. It was not out of "misogyny" or anything of that sorts. I love canon compliant Hermione but I was far more intrigued by the idea of making her a regular teenage girl. She's flawed, immature, naive, some would even say a bit insecure. It was a conscious choice to truly show the contrast between her and Draco. I will say, I've had some people point out that she "does whatever Draco says" which to an extent I can see but also, she very much did the exact opposite of what he'd say which would cause most of their problems.

Regardless, I wanted this Hermione to feel human. She isn't perfect, she's a teenage girl in the beginning entering the unknown territory of a relationship.

The cringey, hormone driven narrative in the beginning was also purposefully done. As the story and their relationship progresses you (slowly) see them develop as well.

Moving on from that, with the holidays coming up and several messages asking for more of the Granger-Malfoy family and specifically their kids, I have been working on a short fic from Scorpius pov. It will start with his first day at Hogwarts and go through Christmas. It's longer than a one shot but probably shorter than a novella... so whatever you want to call that.

The question I have is, would you prefer for me to just add those chapters in here so everything is in one place or would you like it uploaded as a separate story on here?

Let me know and I'll happily do whichever the majority prefers.

Xx justalazywriterr

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