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June 2 2001

Muggle liquor tastes dreadful and also produces one hell of a migraine. My head is pounding as I drag myself out of bed and make my way downstairs. As I turn the corner, bile instantly rises in the back of my throat as my eyes focus in on the scene before me. Snatching the paper from the table, I begin rolling it as I clear the distance between myself and the revolting couple. This morning's Daily Prophet now transformed into a solid weapon, I smack Potter across the face.

"Ow!" He winces as his hand flies up to his head and turns to face me. "What the fuck Malfoy?!"

"Don't touch her, you'll infect her with your muggle aids."

"I don't have muggle aids!" He says defensively. "How do you even know what aids are?"

"I read about it in a book."


"In Azkaban."

"You read while in prison?" He questions.

"Why is that so surprising?"

"I don't know, I just never really pictured prisoners sitting down and reading a book."

"It's not like we had anything else to do. Now if you'll move, I'd like to enjoy a cup of coffee." Pushing him aside, I come face to face with freckles who is leaning against the counter and wearing nothing but a robe and a smug look.

"You got home late last night." She states as she hands me a mug.

"Well I was instructed to avoid this area at all costs. I do hope you know the contraceptive charm, Ginevra. I don't think the world needs another one of those." I say, darting my eyes over to Potter. Sitting down, I take a sip of my coffee while both Potter and freckles join me at the table. Why are they looking at me like that? If anyone should be on the receiving end of such a look it should be them, they are after all the ones who were just caught snogging in the kitchen.

"Do you two plan on just staring at me like idiots or are you going to actually say what's on your mind?" I question as I take another sip.

"How was your night out with Hermione?" Potter blurts out which earns a slap from his lovely girlfriend.

"For fucks sake Harry, have you ever heard of being subtle?" She scolds.

As he rubs his arm he says "What? I thought he would appreciate us getting to the point."

"Excellent." I answer causing their side dispute to come to a halt and their attention to turn to me.

"What's excellent?" Freckles questions as she leans forward.

"Potter managing to get to the point for once instead of dancing around the subject." I explain. "I'm very proud of you scarhead, would you like a gold star to add to your shrine of personal achievements?"

"But what about your night with Hermione?" Such a nosey little witch, doesn't she have anything else to do besides focusing on my attempt at winning my girl back?

"That was excellent as well." I casually say before finishing off the rest of my coffee. "Have either of you ever had a tequila shot? The drink itself isn't anything grand but the process is certainly noteworthy."

"Tequila?" Potter questions. "You and Hermione drank tequila together?"

"Yes and I'm paying for it right now." I groan as I rub my temple. "You wouldn't be able to make your voice any less grating would you? It's causing my already painful migraine to worsen."

I don't know what happened in the last few seconds for the both of them to go completely silent but I'm not a fan of it. These two are the most talkative individuals I have ever met in my life so the fact that they're both sat in silence is unsettling. I haven't done this in awhile so I'm a little out of practice but it should be simple enough. Focusing in on Potter first, I push my way into his mind.

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