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September 19 1997

"It looks perfect Mippy, can you box it for me?" She nods her head and rushes off, careful not to drop the cake while doing so.

"Here's your bloody roses." Theo says, placing them on the table.

"They're not roses, they're peonies." I correct.

He waves his hand, rolls his eyes and says "Whatever, they're flowers. Flowers that were an absolute bitch to get I must add."

"Would you have preferred to go on the Laughlin assignment?" I question, knowing damn well he wouldn't have, no one in their right mind would've which is precisely why I assigned it to Dolohov. I'm sure he reveled every moment of Laughlin's company, a short and overweight man who prefers to do all meetings in the nude.

"On second thought," Theo adds. "Send me on the piney assignment any time!"


"Same thing."

"Extremely different things but I don't have the time or patience to educate you." Picking up the flowers, I inspect them and make sure every last petal is healthy and perfect.

"So you're finally going to do it huh?" He asks, a stupid grin on his face.

"I haven't a clue what you're talking about."

"Don't play daft mate, it doesn't work for you. You're finally going to tell her that you love her. Draco Malfoy, loving someone and admitting it, a day that will go down in history." His arm slinging around my shoulders as he pats my chest. "We should throw a party! It only seems right."

I don't know why he's making such a big deal out of this because I'm certainly not and I'm the one doing it. All I've done is have Mippy bake her favorite cake, cherry bakewell, got her favorite flowers and had the books that I got her for Christmas transferred here and placed in my room to keep safe. I also received the third installation of the Undesirables from Gainsworth yesterday morning, even amidst a war he's continued writing which is appreciated. Like I said, I'm not making a big deal.

"So what do you say?" Theo asks. "Party? We can even get more of your penis flowers."

"Now you're just being a prat." I say, pushing his arm off of me. "When was the last time you got Pans some flowers?"

"I've never gotten her any." He admits. "She's not the type of girl to like things like that." I raise a brow. "What?"

"Every girl is the type to like flowers, even someone like Pans. Here." I take a single flower from the bouquet and hand it to him. "You can thank me later, just don't fuck in my room."

Things have been going rather smoothly as of late, even after the mysterious deaths of a few of our own. Voldemort couldn't be bothered to notice as his attention was stolen away after the idiot trio destroyed another horcrux. There's some type of connection between him and the items, a sort of signal is sent, it's like he feels it. I guess it makes sense though, they're practically extensions of himself. Surprisingly, his reaction was far more tame than when it was stolen. I don't trust it though.

Talks of using the imperio have only increased, I thought I had a problem with needing control but no nose has greatly surpassed me.

"So when are you going?" Theo asks, redirecting the conversation back to Granger.

"Later, the dark lord is coming here for a meeting."

"Should I leave?"

I shake my head "That's not necessary, it shouldn't take too long. It's probably just to discuss recent findings on Grindelwald."

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