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January 23 1998

"Granger, we've talked about this countless times, you can't be keep abusing that bracelet." I groan as I fall down onto her cot. I lift my head as she sits beside me and rest it back down in her lap. She's sent an alert every other day ever since I came back on Christmas. I'm glad she missed me but this is starting to get out of hand.

"I'm sorry." She says, brushing her fingers through my hair. "What were you doing?"

"Just a meeting." I shrug, closing my eyes to enjoy my first downtime in weeks.

I can feel the rough texture of the sleeve of her sweater rubbing against my cheek. "A meeting that involved blood?" She asks. I don't even need to open my eyes to know that she's giving me her signature look of disapproval.

"It was a rather tedious meeting so if you don't mind turning that brain of yours off for a few minutes, I'd quite enjoy a nice nap." She's not saying anything but I can feel the heavy rise and fall of her chest, this woman is incapable of relaxing for even one second. Letting out an exaggerated sigh, I open my eyes, look up at her and ask "What is it Granger?"

"Did you find her yet? Luna?"

Ah yes, Lovegood, should have figured that's what this was about. Granger has completely moved past the fact that I kill people around the clock and has now begun to hyperfixate on the well-being and whereabouts of her beloved former classmate. I have nothing personally against the girl and if I had to be honest, she doesn't deserve what they're most likely doing to her but this whole tracking her down has consumed an awful lot of my time, time I could be spending with my head resting in Granger's lap, or between her legs, whichever she allows.

"Yes." I reply.


"Can I at least take my nap first?"

"Draco." The word sounding more like a warning than my name.

"Fine." I say, sitting up. "But don't go getting all mad at me when I get cranky because you wouldn't allow me a few minutes of rest."

"You're always cranky." She argues.

"Careful love," I smirk. "You know how much I love it when you call me out like that. I can show you just how much, if you'd like?" Leaning in, I turn her head and begin kissing along her neck.

"Luna." She whispers.

"Wrong blonde." I hum against her skin while my right hand travels up her thigh.

"No Draco, Luna.."

"Is quickly becoming my least favorite topic." I say as I drop my head onto her shoulder. Her hands gently push me back so that I'm looking at her again. With her arms now crossed and an impatient brow raised, she waits for me to speak.

"She's fine Granger and by fine I mean alive, I don't have all the details on her physical state and as for her mental – well, would we honestly be able to tell the difference?" Granger balls her hand into a fist and punches my arm, actually punches it. I don't know where this hostility has come from but I'm enjoying it tremendously.

"Do you know where they're holding her?" She asks.

"For the past few weeks she was with the rest of the lot in London but they're moving her in the next week or so."


"Are you going to punch me again if I don't answer?"

"No but I might take after you and hold one of your knives to your neck until you do."

"Gods I love you." Both of my hands flying up to my chest and resting over my heart. "Please threaten me for the rest of my life."

"Draco please focus."

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