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February 14 1996

She's been avoiding me like a proper child, rushing away whenever she catches sight of me coming towards her and protecting herself by latching onto Potter, Weasley or Weaslette. It's gotten to a point where I don't give a damn who she is with, she's talking to me. Lucky for her I've spotted her walking the corridor during class, unattended. She doesn't notice me on the other end so, as any logical man would, I follow her into the girls lavatory.

I lean against the stall door, arms crossed, waiting for her to finish. Once she exits, still not noticing my presence, she begins washing her hands. As she reaches for a towel, her eyes spot me in the mirror.

"You've been avoiding me Granger."

"Draco!" She jumps, turning around and gripping the sink behind her. "What are you-this is the girl's lavatory."

"Always the observant one." I say, stepping into her. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

"I figured you wouldn't want to see me."

"On what basis?"

"Because we broke up?" She says, as if this was common knowledge.

My eyebrow quirks as I place my hands in my pockets. "Since when did we break up? I don't recall that ever happening."

Now her arms are crossed as she glares up at me. "At the Ravenclaw party, remember? When you stormed off and everything?"

I let out a sharp and mocking chuckle. "You mean when you commanded-no-begged me to do so?"

"Yes-no-I mean-" She lets out an irritated sigh. "You said all of those things."

"That's called a fight Granger. Something couples, especially you and I, tend to do. That does not mean we are broken up, unless that's what you want?"

She shakes her head. "No, it isn't."

"Then it's settled. So you can stop running away every time you see me now."

A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth as she rolls her eyes. "So does this mean we're okay then?" She asks, placing her hand on my cheek.


Her hand drops. "But-"

"We aren't broken up but that doesn't change how I feel, what I want."

"What do you want Draco?"

For fucks sake, does this stupid fucking witch even listen to a word I say? How many times do I have to repeat myself?

"All of you dammit!" I snap causing her to flinch. "I want all of you and not just in broom closets, empty classrooms or late at night in the astronomy tower. I want more time with you, I want to show the entire fucking world my amazing girlfriend. I want to be able to hold your hand, walk you to class, take you on dates, pass you cheesy fucking love letters and watch as you get flustered while reading them. I want to kiss you whenever I want and I want to threaten every guy who looks at you, merlin I want so badly to be able to do that."

"I want that too."

"No you don't!" I shout, punching the mirror behind her. Her body remains still and eyes locked on mine as glass shards fall everywhere. I place my hands on either side of her, gripping onto the sink, locking her in place. "No you don't." I repeat, my voice calmer, shakier. "Because if you did then you wouldn't still be asking me to wait. You wouldn't keep putting me through this."

"Draco.." She reaches for my face but I turn my head to avoid the contact.

"No Granger, I told you that I would try and I am, truly, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who is. I get that I'm asking for the impossible but I just need more, something, anything. I want back the girl who proudly clung onto my arm as we paced the corridors, the girl who said she wanted me, I want back my girl. When she decides to reappear come find me."

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