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February 19 1998

"So the snake.. it's a horcrux?" Potter asks.

"How many different ways are you going to ask for clarification on this?" I groan. "My answer is going to continue to be yes." I knew I should've just kept this information to myself, I've been explaining this for the past twenty minutes and the only one who seems to be comprehending a single shred of it is Granger.

"That still leaves three more though." Weaslebee adds. Wow, an astute observation for once, how is that gingerfuck is slowly starting to become more intellectual than scarhead? They continue on with their rambling and eventually we even consult with the goblin and wandmaker. Apparently the reason both Greyback and Scabior were leaving the manor in such a hurry that one day was due to the fact that they were in possession of the sword of Gryffindor which was apparently meant to be stowed away safely in Bella's vault at Gringotts. As fascinating as it was to learn that she only ever had a replica of the sword and Potter realizing that a horcrux must be hidden in there as well, it didn't come close to the information Mr. Ollivander decided to grant us.

"So what you're saying is..." Granger begins, unable to finish the statement, Mr. Ollivander nods.

"When Mr. Malfoy disarmed Albus Dumbledore that night in the astronomy tower the elder wand's allegiance transferred to him."

"What does this mean?"

"As of now, all it means is that he won't be able to access its full power." Mr. Ollivander says. "But I'm afraid that once he comes to this conclusion himself he will-"

"Kill me." I interject, my tone far too casual. Granger's eyes widen, appalled and angered by my nonchalant demeanor.

She whips her head back to the left, her gaze returning to the old man. "But all he would have to do is disarm Draco."

"That route would require the sod to be sensible." Theo adds, plopping down into the chair next to me. "And I think we're all fully aware that he is the exact opposite."

"So what are we supposed to do then?"

"Nothing." Potter answers. "At least not about that, not right now. We still have more horcruxes to locate and we have to find a way to destroy them all."


"I can't believe I'm saying this.." I say, standing up. "But Potter is right. The wand is the least of our concerns right now." Tapping Theo's shoulder, he also gets up from his seat and we begin making our way for the door.

"Where are you two going?" Granger asks, grabbing my hand to stop me.

"To Gringotts."

"What? Why? You can't go there, what if someone sees you?" Her voice growing more frantic with each word.

"If Potter is correct and there is a horcrux there then one of us has to and it can't be any of you three. In case you forgot love, I killed my aunt, so there's no polyjuicing your way into this one."

"So you're going to what? Waltz on in and demand to be let into her vault?" Now she's standing too, hands on her hips while she gives her infamous disapproving look.

"Yes and if that doesn't work I'm sure cutting open a few throats would do the trick."

"You can't just go in and kill them!"

"Why not? It's not like anyone would miss them, I've never heard anyone say a single decent thing about goblins." Griphook meets my stare and says "I get it, no need to apologize." "I wasn't going to."

"You're a highly unpleasant individual Mr. Malfoy."

"And you're a grimy and untrustworthy little gremlin."

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