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December 5 1995

I was released from the hospital wing today though my stay was less than relaxing. Apparently professors take it upon themselves to hand out twice the amount of homework if you miss class due to being incapacitated. Pansy brought me my assignments which always ended up being my least favorite part of the day. She couldn't just hand it off to me and leave. She would sit by my bed for hours bitching and moaning about everything under the sun. Yesterday's discussion heavily revolved around Granger.

"She's been asking about you." Pansy tells me.

My eyebrow raises as my mind attempts to figure out what on earth has possessed Granger to do so. It can't be related to the research paper as I have continued to hold up my end of the deal. Her latest draft was sent back with nearly everything crossed out due to it being, in my opinion, a piece of shit.

"And what has she been asking?"

Pansy shrugs as she inspects her nails.


After turning in my assignments and suffering through countless "I'm glad you are doing better" and "Happy to see you back on your feet Mr. Malfoy" I enter the great hall, taking a seat by Blaise and Theo. They're in the middle of debating whether or not flamingos are real and if so, how come they've never seen one, when I interrupt.

"Pans had mentioned that I have been a topic of discussion for Granger as of late, do either of you happen to know what that's about?"

"She came up to me during divination the other day." Theo states. "Thought she was finally coming around and inviting me back to her dorm."

My jaw clenches and my grip tightens around my fork. I take a moment to draw in a deep breath, controlling the urge to stab this utensil into his hand.

"So what did she actually want?" I ask.

"To know about you." He says.

"What about me?"

"Mostly about how you were doing after your accident. However, she did ask if I knew anything about the classes you're taking and whether or not you took any over the summer."

Looking across the room I spot Granger, her gaze already on me. Once our eyes meet she quickly averts her attention down to her plate.

What are you up to Granger?

December 8 1995

She keeps staring at me, I feel like a fucking caged animal on display. What's next? Is she going to throw some peanuts my way and ask for me to do a dance? Usually I'd be flattered to be on the receiving end of her gaze but considering the fact that she's been going around asking anyone and everyone about me I'm more agitated than anything. I would just use legilimency on her to figure out what has caused her sudden peek in interest but the drugs Madam Pomfrey has me on for my pain fuzzes my mind just enough to render me unable to do so.

I also don't know why she is bothering interviewing every person I've ever spoken to, has she never heard of just coming up and asking me herself? Another reason why I have opted to avoid her altogether, I can't trust her. First she lies about the true reason behind meeting with Snape and now this.

After quidditch practice I'm talking with Blaise and Harper as we walk off the pitch when Pansy marches up, her hands slapping against my chest as she screams at me.

"You dickhead!" She shouts. "All the times you skipped out on parties and hanging out with me was to do some stupid paper?"

Looking around I notice my entire team crowding around us, watching as she continues to throw a fit while slapping and shoving me.

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