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January 3 1996

Everyone returned from holiday break last night and I have to admit, I much preferred when the castle was mostly empty. It gave Granger and I free range to go and do whatever we please but now with watchful eyes scattered all around we both agreed to keep our newfound relationship on the low. Feelings are complicated enough on their own and there isn't a need to add the opinions of others on top of that.

Speaking of feelings, apparently some sparked between Theo and Pansy over the course of the last week or so. When they entered the common room hand in hand I thought my vision was going. "What in the fuck is this?" I ask, pointing between the two of them.

"Jealous?" Pansy smirks, resting her head against his arm.

"Repulsed is a better word for it." I reply.

"You think that is nauseating?" Blaise groans, throwing his body onto the couch and laying his head in my lap. "I was the one who walked in on them shagging, nearly got a second taste of my supper."

We all usually spend the Christmas break together, most years they join me at the manor but since I opted out they all spent it at Blaise's.

"My poor mum's lounge chair. A rather expensive gift from her third husband, may he rest in peace, now defiled by the love making of those two." He makes a disgusted face at them before looking up at me, fluttering his eyelashes like a schoolgirl. "Looks like it's just you and me mate, perhaps we can say to hell with all woman and marry each other instead?"

"Sure Blaise but you're signing a prenup, you are your mother's son after all."

Over the next hour or so Blaise tells me what they got up to over the break while Theo and Pansy shove their tongues down each other's throats. It's a horrifying sight but oddly they make a good pair. Blaise suggests we go elsewhere to drink, allow the two love birds some time alone. As we're walking out Pansy calls out for me and pulls me aside.

"How was your break Draco?" She asks.

"Delightful." my voice flat. "Was there something that you needed Pans?"

"I was - are we okay? You know, after everything?"

Pansy was a proper bitch for what she did to Granger but she is one of my oldest friends. Besides, this isn't the first time she's pulled something like this and I've forgiven her each time in the past.

"We're fine." I state.

"Are you sure? You still seemed rather ticked when I left for break, you wouldn't even speak to me."

"I'm pretty sure it was you who fled the scene every time I entered a room Pans. Hard to talk to someone when they run away at the sight of you and I'm not a person to chase after someone."

"You're right." She sighs. "Well, I'm glad that we are back to normal. I missed hanging out with you."

"Yeah, you too."

She wraps her arms around me and pulls me in for a hug before heading back over to where Theo is. Before rejoining Blaise I shout "If I ever find out that you fucked in my room I'll make sure you regret it." I threaten. "Pretty sure your mum always fancied me Theo, might take it upon myself to visit her sleeping quarters." I offer a cheeky wink to top it off before leaving.

We're near the north courtyard, a bottle of firewhiskey in each of our hands as I watch Blaise miserably fail at flirting with a sixth year. You have to give him props on not letting rejection break down his ego, in fact, I think it builds it even more.

"Ah whatever." He waves his hand in the air as she walks away with her friends. "She wasn't even my type anyways." He tells me, taking a swig from his bottle.

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