54• A Soothing Bath

Start from the beginning

As her eyes fell on the bracelet that Cole had given her the day before, she freaked out. "Shit! thank God, Ethan didn't notice it." She slipped it off and shoved it into her handbag, which was kept on the side table.

"Either I had completely forgotten about this." He spoke as she again lay down in his arms, placing her head on his chest.

"Cole, when are you thinking about telling him about us?" She asked, raising her brows at him.

"Soon because now I can't wait any longer to tell him that his best friend who never believed in love is madly and deeply in love." He answered her, smiling.

"He would be so happy because he always wanted you to be in a serious relationship."

"I know, kiddo." He nodded and added, "and it became possible because of you. Thank you." He chastely kissed her lips, feeling so blessed to have her in his life.

After a while, they both fell asleep in each other's arms, listening to each other's heartbeats and forgetting about the rest of the world, just being lost in their world.

Next morning

"Cole, wake up." Reyna was waking him up early in the morning by shaking him constantly, and she was sitting, wrapping the white duvet around her body.

"What happened? Let me sleep some more. I'm tired." He answered in a half-sleep, placing his arm over his eyes.

"Cole, I want to change the bed-sheet. I made it dirty." As she cried out in the end, his eyes immediately opened.

"What happened, Kiddo? Why are you crying?" He asked concernedly, sitting up.

She pouted at him and pointed downward. When he moved his gaze down, his eyes widened slightly as he noticed blood spots on the bed sheet.

"Is it your monthly period?" He enquired concernedly, looking up at her.

"Hmm..." she sadly bobbed her head at him.

"Then why are you upset? It is normal, Love." He rubbed her cheek with his thumb.

"I don't know why, but I feel sad and angry during my periods, and my stomach is aching." She cried out, holding her stomach.

"It's okay, Kiddo. I'll make you feel better. Just relax." He reassured her, cupping her face and blinking his eyes, and she smiled with relief. He just couldn't see his kiddo in pain.

"If you're with me, I know I'll be okay." She said with full confidence and rested her head on his chest, and he smiled, seeing her faith in him, and then he kissed her hair.

"Now I'll give you a soothing bath if you're comfortable," he said, caressing her hair.

'Wow! During my periods, he will bathe me. He is impeccable. Thank you so much, God, for listening to my prayers! I love you so much.' Her joy had no limits after knowing that he was going to bathe her during her periods.

"Of course, I'm more than comfortable, Cole." She answered, beaming at him.

As he climbed down the bed and was about to carry her, she shouted, pushing him away. "Cole, I'm dirty, don't take me in your arms. "

"Seriously! You think anything can stop me from taking my kiddo in my arms?" He asked her, frowning.

"But you'll become dirty, Cole."

"I don't give a damn. Now come into my arms, I'm taking you to the bathroom." As he ordered her, she stared at him affectionately, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world to have him in her life.

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