A New Age, a New Hunt

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Zoi and Ty Lee found themselves gazing on in anger in defense of the way that the family was being debased as if they were subhuman!

And Elle could only stare on with a taken aback emotion in her eyes as she struggled to understand why the woman was so hateful.

"How I abhor this shithole of a nation. This land...is completely and absolutely devoid of all concepts of creativity. There is nothing of artistic value to be found here...there is no imagination. It's culture...banal and uninspiring. It's people...no more than inculcated machines in the name of 'unity' who cannot even think for themselves without the Royal Family telling them where to go. A culture devoid of individuality can only be one thing and that is worthless." Silah spoke in a strikingly scathing voice that was laced with unfathomable derision as a scowl graced her pale lips.

The three highborn women listened to the monstrous woman's rant with stunned expressions in their eyes.

Azula's amber golden eyes had long since narrowed into slits as she exhaled fire from her fed up lips.

"How dare you talk about my nation in such a manner! The Fire Nation is the peak of the world." Azula barked with her royal wrath seeping from her outraged voice as her callous amber golden eyes nearly exploded from her eye sockets.

And the serving girl trudged along beside her mistress with her bewildered eyes still gazing at the woman in puzzlement.

Only for another ridiculing laugh to resound into the air as the pale woman turned to smirk tauntingly back at the princess's pridefully glaring face.

Zoi too glared back with her stony golden eyes greatly angered by the way that the woman described her fellows as if they were worms!

And that was all it took for Ty Lee to shiver once more under the puppeteer's frightening predatory stare.

"The peak of the world, Azula? Don't make me laugh. If anything is the peak of this world it is my citadel. My inventions greatly exceed that of even the best war machines that the Fire Nation has to offer." Silah responded in a denigrating voice as she sneered back into the princess's lividly glowering eyes.

"Oh, please. Your inventions are nothing more than corpses dressed up as toys." Azula hissed back with rivaling hatred in her sophisticated voice with a hand waving in the direction of the corpse standing behind the woman.

Only for her amber golden eyes to form yet another piercing stare as she refused to give in to the other immortal woman's efforts to dominate her.

Elle stood beside her noble friends as the three stared warily back at the woman's chuckling face.

"And not only that...but I saw with my own eyes that the technology that those soldiers possessed from beyond the gateway vastly eclipses what your nation considers the march of civilization." Silah stated in a deliciously odium filled voice with her dark green eyes enjoying the way that the young woman's eyes bubbled over in even greater fury.

As the three highborn women stared on with their eyes flashing in realization that the demented woman had been scoping out their encounter with the foreign soldiers!

"Riddle me this, Azula. If you have three piles of shit. And one pile of shit has a marginally less noxious odor than the other two piles of shit. Is it still shit, or is it gold?" Silah inquired with a voice of cold-blooded cruelty as she smiled back at the princess's indignantly reddening face.

The amber golden eyes of the princess simply brimmed with unimaginable rage as she met the ever-predatory stare of the far older woman's perverse dark green eyes.

Zoi gritted her teeth as she glared on with the patience in her eyes having long since faded away.

And Ty Lee could only shudder once more as she tried not to gaze back into the woman's terrifying eyes.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz