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Bobby and the girls get to the motel, Bobby knocking on the door of the boys' room. The door opens to reveal Dean who is immediately hugged by Ophelia. She was worried when she and Libby had gone back inside only to learn the news from Bobby that Dean just vanished.

Ophelia was left to worry, only feeling slightly better when Bobby got a call from Dean telling him where the two brothers were. But now that she sees him for herself, Ophelia feels much better.

"Daddy!" Libby runs to Sam who picks her up.

"Hey, baby." Sam smiles at her, accepting her hug.

"I missed you." Libby mumbles.

"I missed you, too." Sam says quietly. He places a quick kiss to her head, the girl not pulling away.

"Hey, Bobby." Dean greets, hugging Bobby with one arm, his other still wrapped around Ophelia.

"Good to see you boys all in one piece." Bobby says, walking in and hugging Sam. Dean shuts the door.

"You weren't followed, were you?" Dean asks.

"You mean by angels, demons, or Sam's new superfan?" Bobby asks making Ophelia giggle.

"You heard." Sam chuckles.

"I heard, Romeo. So... sword of Michael, huh?" Bobby asks.

"You think we're talking about the actual sword from the actual archangel?" Dean asks.

"You better friggin' hope so." Bobby says. He opens a book to a painting of Michael surrounded by other angels. "That's Michael. Toughest son of a bitch they got." Sam flips to another painting.

"You kidding me? Tough? That guy looks like Cate Blanchett." Dean says.

"Well, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, believe me. He commands the heavenly host. During the last big dust up upstairs, he's the one who booted Lucifer's ass to the basement. Did it with that sword."

Bobby points to the sword that's in Michael's hand.

"So if we can find it..." Bobby trails off.

"We can kick the devil's ass all over again." Sam says. "All right. So, where do we start?"

"Divvy up and start reading. Try and make sense of Chuck's nonsense." Bobby says.

Sam walks over to a pile of books and stares at them for a few moments, Libby looking at him confused when he doesn't do anything.

"Kid? You all right?" Bobby calls.

"No, actually. Bobby, this is all my fault. I'm sorry." Sam says.

"Sam..." Dean tries.

"Lilith did not break the final seal. Lilith was the final seal." Sam informs.

"Sam, stop it."

"I killed her, and I set Lucifer free."

"You what?" Bobby asks.

"You guys warned me about Ruby, the demon blood, but I didn't listen. I brought this on." Sam says. Dean doesn't say anything nor do the girls. Bobby gets up, walking closer to Sam.

"You're damn right you didn't listen. You were reckless and selfish and arrogant." Bobby states.

"I'm sorry." Sam tells him.

"Oh, yeah? You're sorry you started Armageddon? This kind of thing don't get forgiven, boy. If, by some miracle, we pull this off... I want you to lose my number. You understand me?"

Sam nods. Libby glares at Bobby, tightening her hug on Sam. Ophelia can feel all of Sam's negative emotions. Guilt, regret, sadness.

"There's an old church nearby. Maybe I'll go read some of the lore books there." Sam says.

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