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The Winchesters are in the motel, watching Jimmy practically devour a burger and fries.

"You mind slowing down? You're gonna give me angina." Dean says.

"I'm hungry." Jimmy defends.

"When's the last time you ate?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. Months." Jimmy says.

"That would be torture. I love food." Libby quietly says.

Jimmy takes another bite of his burger, continuing to eat it, letting out moans of delight.

"I think he loves food a little too much." Ophelia whispers to her cousin.

"What the hell happened back there? It looked like an angel battle royale." Sam says.

"All I remember is a flash of light and I, uh... I woke up and I was just, you know, like, me again." Jimmy says.

"So, what? Cas just ditched out of your meat suit?" Dean asks.

"I really don't know." Jimmy says.

"You remember anything about being possessed? Anything at all?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, bits and pieces. I mean, angel inside of you, it's kinda like being chained to a comet." Jimmy says.

"Ah, that doesn't sound like much fun." Dean says.

"Understatement." Jimmy states.

"Cas said he wanted to tell us something. Please tell me you remember that." Sam says.

"Sorry." Jimmy says.

"Come on, what do you know?" Dean asks.

"Be nice. He has angel amnesia." Ophelia chides her father.

"My name is Jimmy Novak. I'm from Pontiac, Illinois. I have a family." He states.


"The hell are you talking about, I can't go home?" Jimmy angrily asks.

"There's a good chance you have a bullseye on your back." Dean informs.

"What? From who?" Jimmy asks.

"Humans." Dean states.

"Come on, that's crazy. What do they want with me?" Jimmy asks.

"I don't know, information, maybe?" Dean shrugs.

"I don't know anything!" Jimmy exclaims.

"They don't tend to believe people very easily." Ophelia comments.

"I know, but--"

"Look, I'm done, okay? With demons, angels, all of it. I just want to go home." Jimmy says.

"We understand." Dean says.

"I don't think that you do understand. I've been shot and stabbed and healed, and my body has been dragged all over the Earth. By some miracle, I'm out, and I am done. I've given enough, okay?"

"Look, all we're saying is that until we figure this out, the safest place is with us." Sam says.

"How long?" Jimmy asks.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Sam says.

Jimmy shakes his head and goes for the door.

"Where are you going?" Dean asks.

"To see my wife and children, okay?" Jimmy says.

"No, you're not. You're just going to put those people in danger." Sam says.

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