088. BRADY

706 31 13

The Winchesters are in the Impala, the girls asleep as Dean drives, Sam sitting in the passenger seat, and they have Bobby on speaker phone.

"Let me guess. Another steamin' hot pile of swine flu." Bobby says.

"Yep." Dean nods.

"Doesn't make any sense, Bobby. Pestilence touched down here. I'm sure of it." Sam says.

"But why is he dealing them soft serve like swine flu when he's got the croatoan virus up his sleeve? I-I-I don't get it." Dean says.

"Doesn't matter what the sick son of a bitch is doing. What matters is this is the fourth town he's hit -- that we know of -- and we're still eating his dust. Did you get anything? We got even a snowball at probable next target?"

"Uh, no pattern we can see." Sam says.

"Okay. Hold on. Well, as far as I can tell, he's still heading east, so... head east, I guess." Bobby says.

"East?" The brothers question.

"Bobby, we're in West Nevada. East is practically all there is." Dean says.

"Yeah, well, you better get to drivin'." Bobby says.

"Say, I've got an idea." Dean swerves, slamming on his brakes. This wakes the girls up, Libby slamming into the front seat before landing on the floor. Ophelia manages to grab onto the door to keep herself up, but hits her forehead on the backseat.

Sam reaches back and stabs at Crowley, the demon disappearing, the knife going into the seat.

"Did you get him?" Dean asks.

"He's gone." Sam says.

"Owww." Libby whines.

"My head hurts." Ophelia mumbles.

"Fancy a fag and a chat?" They hear Crowley ask and turn to see him outside. "You're upset. We should discuss it. Not here, but--""

"You want to talk? After what you did to us?" Sam angrily asks, him and Dean getting out of the car. Ophelia knows her and Libby are supposed to stay inside, even though neither brother said anything.

"After what I-- what I did to you?! I gave you the colt!" Crowley yells.

"Yeah, and you knew it wouldn't work against the devil!" Sam argues.

"I never!" Crowley insists.

"You set us up. We lost people on that suicide run -- good people!"

"WHo you take on the ride is your own business! Look, everything is still the same. We're all still in this together."

"Sure we are." Sam goes to stab Crowley, but Crowley disappears, teleporting to behind the brothers.

"Call your dog off. Please."

"Give me one good reason." Dean says.

"I can give you Pestilence." Crowley states.

"What do you know about Pestilence?" Dean asks.

"I know how to get him. That's got your interest, doesn't it?" Crowley asks.

"Are you actually listening to this?" Sam asks.


"Are you friggin' nuts?!"

"Shut up for a second, Sam!"

"Shut up the both of you! Look, I swear... I thought the colt would work. It's an honest mistake. It's all part of the learning process." Crowley states.

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