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The four Winchesters are in their motel room and getting ready. Sam is finishing up at the sink, Libby is eating a pop tart, and Dean is sitting in an arm chair and braiding Ophelia's hair.

The closet door opens and a man with dark hair and in a blue suit falls out.

"Which of you is John Winchester?" He asks, the family of four staring at him. The man stands up, Dean also standing up, moving Ophelia behind him. "Please, time is of the essence! Which of you is John Winchester?"

"Uh, neither." Sam says.

"That's impossible. That's absolutely... what did I do wrong?" The man asks.

"Who the hell are you, mister?" Dean asks.

"Not now. I'm thinking." The man says. Dean grabs him and pushes him against the wall, holding his arm across the man's chest. "Please. I can assure you there's no need for violence. One of you must know John Winchester."

"I'll tell you what -- when one of us falls out of your closet, then you can ask the questions." Sam says.

"Yes, my apologies. Is it absolutely essential, sir, that you keep your hands on me?" The man asks. Dean takes a step back, still glaring at the man. "Thank you. Gentlemen, young girls, in the absence of any and all other explanations, I'm afraid this has been a marvelous, tragic misunderstanding. I'll be on my way."

"That's not happening." Sam objects.

"There are things of grave importance. I do not have time to deal with the likes of you." The guy says.

Dean picks up a pair of handcuff and Sam grabs the man, Dean grabbing the guy's wrist.

"You're not going anywhere, 007, till we get some answers." Dean says, trying to handcuff the guy to the chair. The guy breaks away, Sam and Dean both handcuffed to the chair and the guy runs away.

"How did he do that? You got to be kidding me." Dean grumbles, the brothers trying to break out of the handcuffs.

Ophelia stares at the handcuffs, doing a little hand motion, getting the brothers' free, both of them rushing out.

"A thank you wouldn't kill you!" She yells after them.

~ ~ ~

The brothers got the guy who was trying to steal the Impala. The guy is sitting in a chair, the girls sitting on a bed, and the brothers standing up. Sam splashes holy water into the man's face.

"And there with the holy water." The guy chuckles.

"He's clean." Sam states.

"I could have told you that." The man says.

"Yeah, well, so could a demon. It's called lying." Ophelia says.

"Yeah, well, you can start by telling us everything before I beat it out of you." Dean says.

"I'm quite certain this is all beyond your understanding, my alpha male monkey friend. And violence will not help you comprehend this any easier." The guy says and Dean points his gun at him.

"Let me tell you what I understand! Some asshat pops out of my closet asking about my dad, smashes up my ride. So why am I not getting violent, again?" Dean growls.

"John Winchester is your father?" The man asks. Before they can reply, there's a loud rattling noise. "What is that?" He stands up. "Oh, my god."

"What?" Dean asks.

"Run!" The man yells. The closet door bursts open and a woman with red hair steps out. Ophelia grabs Libby's wrist, dragging her over to Sam and Dean.

"Henry. Silly man, you forgot to lock the door. But then spells never were your best subject, were they? WHy don't you be a doll and give me what I want? And I promise to kill you and your friends here quickly."

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