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They were in town on a vampire case and while trying to hunt it, Dean ended up getting turned. Now, the four are in the motel room and Dean is sitting on the bed, holding a hand to his head as if he has a headache. 

"Oh, my God, what is that sound?" Dean asks, his voice full of annoyance.

"What sound?" Sam asks.

"I don't hear anything." Ophelia says, Libby agreeing.

Dean pushes the lamp off the table, it crashing to the floor. He pounds his fist on the wall to the other room.

"Hey, c'mon, keep it down, damnit!" He shouts. He turns, wincing at the light.

Sam turns off all the lights.

"Dean... you should sit down." Sam says cautiously.

"You sit down." Dean retorts, but he sits on the edge of one of the beds, cradling his head in his hands. "Of all the ways to die, I never thought I'd be going out like this."

"Dean, nobody is going out." Sam objects.

"It's that..."


Dean rips the clock's cord out of the wall, sparks shooting out.

"Samuel is gonna kill me when he gets here." Dean states.

"No, Dean, he's not!" Sam protests.

"Yes, he is, cause I'm gonna ask him to because you won't do it." Dean says.

"Okay, just hold on a second--"

"For what, huh? Look at me!"

"We can figure this out!"

"How?!" Dean yells, but Sam doesn't answer. "Why aren't you freaked out?"

"Of course I am!" Sam insists.

"Really? Cause I can hear your heartbeat, and it's pretty damned steady. It's a lot calmer compared to theirs." Dean states, pointing to the girls.

"That's cause I'm... I'm trying to remain calm. Dean, look... Samuel will know what to do." Sam says.

"C'mon, man, I'm a monster, okay? This is not a problem that you spitball. We gotta deal with this before I hurt somebody." Dean says.

"How's it feel?"

"Now? Now you wanna talk about my feelings?"

"No, I mean... physically."

"How do you think it feels? Not good!" Dean states, going to the bathroom.

"Where you goin'?"

"Bathroom, okay? News flash, Mr. Wizard -- vampires pee!" Dean slams the door shut.

After a bit, Dean still hasn't come out of the bathroom, so Sam knocks on the door.

"Dean." Sam calls. He doesn't get an answer so he opens the door to find Dean gone and the bathroom window open.


The girls are in the room and Libby is on the brink of sleep while Ophelia doodles on her hand. She suddenly hears heavy breathing. She feels more emotions that aren't hers and figures they're Dean's. She looks around, finding her dad in the darkness.

"Daddy?" Ophelia calls. "When did you get back?"

"Where's Sam?" Dean asks, ignoring her question.

"Samuel's here. He went to get him." Ophelia informs. "Do you... do you need anything?" She asks, walking a few steps closer.

"No. No, stay... stay back. Do not come near me." Dean orders.

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