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They ended up kidnapping Dean while he was talking to the professor at the community college. They find Ophelia in the Impala and dragged her to where Dean was.

Ophelia was stuck in the cellar with her unconscious dad for a while, fear consuming the young girl as she quietly cried.

Eventually Dean wakes up, groaning in pain.

"Daddy?" Ophelia asks, moving over to him.

"O? Baby, what are you doing here?" Dean asks, quickly sitting up and pulling her into a hug once he notices her tears.

"The Scotty guy and old gas station lady took me from the car." Ophelia sniffles. "Are we gonna die?"

Dean's hold on her tightens, not wanting to answer that question.

Dean comforts her and eventually she stops crying. The two are sitting in the cellar when the door opens. They look up seeing Emily being held by her aunt and uncle and she's crying.

"Aunt Stacy. Uncle Harley, please." Emily begs as Harley forces her into the cellar. Dean stands up and pushes Ophelia behind him, the girl clinging to his leg, tightly holding onto the hem of his jacket.

Harley and Dean stare at each other before Harley rushes up the stairs, leaving his niece with the two Winchesters.

"Why are you doing this?" Emily cries.

"For the common good." Stacy declares, shutting the cellar door, leaving the trio in the dark.


Sam is sitting at a table in the bus station, trying to call Dean, and Libby is sitting on his lap.

"Hey. Our bus came in." Meg says, getting her stuff.

"You better catch it." Sam says, putting his phone up and standing up, getting his and Libby's stuff. "I gotta go."

"Go where?" Meg asks.

"Buckittsville." Sam sas.

"Sam, wait." Meg calls, getting him to turn to her.

"I've been trying to call my brother for the last three hours. I'm just getting his voicemail." Sam says.

"Well, maybe his phone's turned off." Meg suggests.

"No, that's not like him. Meg, I think he might be in trouble." Sam says.

"What kind of trouble?" Meg asks.

"I can't really explain right now. I'm sorry, look, I don't want you to miss your bus." Sam says.

"But I don't understand. You're running back to your brother? The guy you ran away from? Why, because he won't pick up his phone? Sam, come with me to California."

"I can't. I'm sorry."

"Why not?"

"He's my family."


They're still in the cellar and Dean is attempting to break the door open while Emily and Ophelia stand at the bottom, Dean having explained everything to Emily.

"I don't understand. They're gonna kill us?" Emily asks.

"Sacrifice us. Which is, I don't know, classier, I guess?" Dean mutters, walking down the stairs to them, Ophelia immediately hugging him and he wraps his arm around her, attempting to somewhat comfort her. "You really don't know anything about this, do you?"

"About what? The scarecrow god? I can't believe this." Emily says.

"Well, you better start believing, cause I'm gonna need your help." Dean says.

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