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Sam is in the motel room and Dean and the girls walk in. Dean tosses his keys on the table, unwrapping a piece of candy. Both girls each have a few pieces of candy for themselves.

"Really? After that guy choked down all those razor blades?" Sam asks.

"It's Halloween, man." Dean says.

"Yeah, for us every day is Halloween." Sam says. He looks at Libby who is trying to open a piece of candy, her other candy on the table in front of her. Sam grabs all the candy making Libby pout at him. "After dinner." He tells her.

Libby huffs, glaring at her dad, and she goes over to the bed, sitting on it.

"Really? You have to deprive your kid of goods?" Dean asks.

"It's not healthy." Sam argues.

"Yeah, that's why it's good." Dean says and Sam rolls his eyes. "Anything interesting?"

"Well, we're on a witch hunt, that's for sure, but this isn't over your typical hex bag." Sam says, pointing to the open hex bag on the table.

"Hmm, no?" Dean asks. Sam picks up a dried flower.

"Goldthread, an herb that's been extinct for two hundred years. And this--" He picks up a silver piece. "is Celtic, and I don't mean some new age knock off. It looks like the real deal, like six hundred years old real."

Dean picks up a small charred object.

"And, um... that is the charred metacarpal bone of a newborn baby."

"Ugh." Dean puts the bone down. "Gross."

"Relax, man, it's like a hundred years old." Sam says, picking the bone up.

"Oh, right, like that makes it better." Dean says sarcastically. "Witches, man, they're so friggin' skeevy."

"Yeah, well it takes a pretty powerful one to put a bag like this together. More juice than we've ever dealt with, that's for sure. What about you? Find anything on the victim?" Sam asks.

"This Luke Wallace? He was so vanilla he made vanilla seem spicy." Dean says. "I can't find any reason why somebody would want this guy dead."


Dean returns to the motel where his family is.

"So, our apple bobbing cheerleader?" Sam asks.

"Tracy?" Dean asks.

"Mm-hmm?" Sam prompts.

"The Wallaces' babysitter. Told me she never even heard of Luke Wallace." Dean says.

"Huh, interesting look for a centuries old witch." Sam says.

"Yeah, well, if you were a six hundred year old hag and you could pick any costume to come back in, wouldn't you go for a hot cheerleader?" Dean asks. "I would." He hums, sitting on the bed and getting lost in his thoughts.

"I don't like the feeling coming off of him. It's weird." Ophelia says.

"You can feel that?" Sam asks and Ophelia nods. "Oh, God, Dean stop." He orders, grimacing at everything.

"Hmm?" Dean looks between them all confused as he was too lost in thought.

"I am not giving her the talk." Sam declares.

"She's 8. She doesn't need it yet." Dean says.

"What talk?" The girls both question.

"Look, uh, needing to move on--" Sam says. "Tracy's not as wholesome as she looks. Did some digging... apparently she got into a violent altercation with one of her teachers, got suspended from school." Sam gives Dean his laptop who looks at it.

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