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"Drive faster, Dean."

"I can't! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm amazing." Sam grimaces.

"You ever seen that many?" Dean asks.

"No. No way, not in one place." Sam says.

"What the hell?" Dean slams on the brakes when they come up on a burning building. "Damn it!" Dean starts to turn around, but his window breaks making the girls scream. A demon drags Dean out of the window, one also dragging Sam out.

The girls get on the floor, tightly holding each other's hands.

Water starts spraying and the demons yell out, letting the Winchesters go, the brothers falling back into the car.

"Daddy, what's happening?" Ophelia asks.

"No clue." Dean says.

A man starts speaking in a different language and all of the demons leave the vessels.

"Well, that's something you don't see every day." Dean comments.

The brothers get out of the car and Dean opens the back door for the girls who get out, Ophelia instantly holding her father's hand.

"You two all right?" One of the men ask, walking closer to Sam. Libby rushes to Sam, hugging him and he rests a hand on her back.

"Peachy." Dean says.

"Be careful. It's... dangerous around here." The guy says.

"Yeah. We, uh... we kind of gathered that." Ophelia says.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait." Dean says, rushing over to the guy, dragging Ophelia with him.

"No need to thank us." The man says.

"No, hold up a sec. Who are you?" Dean asks.

"We're the Sacrament Lutheran Militia." The man states.

"I'm sorry, the what?" Dean asks.

"I hate to tell you this, but those were demons, and this is the apocalypse." The man says. "So... buckle up."

Dean opens the trunk of the Impala and opens the weapon box.

"Looks like we're in the same line of business." Sam says.

"Yeah, and among colleagues. That's a police issue shotgun. That truck is, uh... inspired. Where'd you guys pick up all this crap?" Dean asks.

"You know, you... pick things up along the way." One of the men says.

"Guys, come on. This whole corner of the state is nuts with demon omens. We just want to help. That's all." Dean says.

"We're on the same team here. Just talk to us." Sam says.

"Follow us." The first guy they talked to says.


They follow the guys to a town and go into the church with everybody else. They stand near the back and realize a wedding is taking place. A bunch of men who sit on the end of the pews have a shotgun in hand.

"Wedding? Seriously?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. We've had eight so far this week." Paul says.

~ ~ ~

"So, Rob tells me you boys hunt demons." The pastor walks up to them.

"Uh... yes, sir." Sam answers.

"You missed a few." The pastor says.

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