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Sam and Libby walk down the stairs of the old house that they're in, finding Ophelia and Dean in the room.

"Did you strip enough wire?" Sam asks.

"Yes, I stripped enough wire." Dean says.

"All right." Sam says. He attaches cables to the stripped wires and electricity crackles and the lights come on.

"See? Told you." Dean says.

Sam sits at the table and Libby almost immediately climbs onto his lap. She's been more attached to him since the whole Becky, love spell thing and since she read the Supernatural book.

Almost every night since then, Libby gets nightmares about her mom's death and Sam is always woken up by her screaming and sobbing in her sleep. He always wakes her up, the girl going into panic attacks occasionally.

Libby tries her best to not sleep, but she does always end up losing that battle. Her sleep schedule is now all over the place and dark circles rest under her eyes.

"Well, isn't this crazy?" Bobby asks.

"Yeah. Well, Motel 6 just ain't leaving the light on anymore." Sam says.

"Well, I'm taking a page out of Frank Devereaux's Bible on this. Everybody's out to get you -- paranoia is just plain common sense." Bobby says.

"Weeks, guys. Weeks. We've been living with cold showers, cold Hot Pockets, cold freaking everything. I mean, this is the bottom that we're living in. You guys get that, right?" Dean asks.

"How many big mouths are out there, running card traces, like Chet, or hunting us down God knows what ways? No, now's not the time to be laying our bed rolls out on the grid. Not if we can help it." Bobby says.

The lights turn off and Sam turns on a battery powered lantern.

"That's just great. This is stupid.. Our quality of life is crap. We got Purgatory's least wanted everywhere, and we're on our third "The World's Screwed" issue in, what, three years? We've steered the bus away from the cliff twice already." Dean says.

"Someone's got to do it." Sam says.

"What if the bus wants to go over the cliff?" Dean asks.

"You think the world wants to end?" Sam asks.

"I think that if we didn't take its belt and all its pens away each year that, yeah, the whole enchilda woulda offed itself already."

"Stop trying to wrestle with the big picture, son. You're gonna hurt your head." Bobby says. Dean gets a beer and lays on the couch. "So, what's the guff?" Bobby asks, sitting at the table.

"Well, uh, they've been a rash of sightings all over the southern pine barrens. A strange, fast moving, human-like creature. Locals even have a name for it." Sam says, passing a piece of paper he printed earlier to Bobby.

"The Jersey Devil? I thought that was just local tall-tale crap." Bobby says.

"The area's history of sightings goes back more than two centuries. Some accounts gave it bat wings, other horns, a... a tail." Sam says, giving Bobby another article. "And, uh, oh yeah, a horse's head."

"Of course, the sketch looks more like a Chewbacca head." Dean says.

"Sounds kind of mixed up." Bobby says.

"Yeah, kind of like it should be fighting a Japanese robot." Dean says.

"Well, mixed up or not, it sounds like it might just have a body count." Sam says.

""Camping high season harshed by human burrito"?" Bobby reads.

"Yeah. Something hung a camper up in a tree, then ate him alive right through his sleeping bag. His wife hasn't been seen either. Plus, there have been four other missing persons reported in the last three weeks. State troopers -- get this -- are saying it's a rogue bear."

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