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Dean and the girls get to the hospital. Dean storms into an office, the girls and a nurse hot on his heels.

"Okay, sir? You can't just barge in here without an appointment!" The nurse exclaims.

"They said, "Talk to Kadinsky." You Kadinsky?" Dean asks the man sitting at the desk.

"You need to be scheduled!" The nurse exclaims.

"Well, then, schedule me! He was in a car crash. Why the hell can't we see him?" Dean asks.

Libby stands back, nervously wringing her hands together, her bottom lip caught between her top teeth. She's biting it so hard she can taste the metallic blood, her eyes nervously flitting between the three adults.

"You're Sam Smith's brother." Kadinsky says. "And I assume, daughter and niece."

"Yeah, what's going on?" Dean asks.

"It--it's fine. Thank you. Really." Kadinsky tells the nurse who leaves. "Sam was admitted. He was treated for a broken rib and lacerations."

"Okay. That's not too bad. And?" Dean asks.

"And... are you sure you want the children in here?" Kadinsky asks.

"They're fine." Dean says.

"He's on our locked psychiatric floor." Kadinsky informs.

"I mean, he's had some trouble..."

"So you're aware that Sam is experiencing a full blown psychotic episode?"

"Psychotic? Come on. I mean, the guy's... it's not like the guy's freakin' Norman Bates."

"No, I'm sure he isn't. We need to determine whether his state was brought on by the insomnia or whether the insomnia is a symptom of his condition. Do you understand? So that we can figure out how to treat him."

"Well, all I can say is that the sleep thing is--is kind of new." Dean says.

"Right. Well... we've pumped him about as full as sedatives as we safely can. So far, he won't go under. I've never seen anything like it." Kadinsky says.

~ ~ ~

Kadinsky leads them to Sam's room, stopping outside his door.

"I feel like it may be best if they--"

"She's twelve, it's her decision." Dean says, nodding to Ophelia. "And it's her dad, she has a right to see him." He says, putting a hand on Libby's shoulder.

Kadinsky pauses, but knows it isn't his place, so he opens the door. They step in to find Sam on a bed, his back leaning against the metal headboard.

Dean and the girls walk in, Kadinsky leaving them alone.

"How are you feeling?" Dean asks.

"Maybe you should cancel my UFC fight." Sam jokes as Libby walks over. She puts her hand on his cheek and tucks some hair behind his ear, getting a small smile from him.

"Is he here?" She asks. Sam lightly nods, not having the energy to lie to her, knowing she'd probably be able to see right through him. She frowns, wishing she could do something.

"Sam, I'm gonna find you help." Dean promises. Sam simply exhales and looks away, Libby still messing with the ends of his hair.

"I don't think it's out there, Dean." Sam says.

"We don't know that." Dean says.

"We know better than most. It's all snake oil. Last faith healer we hooked up with had a reaper on a leash. Remember?" Sam says. Ophelia wants to correct him that technically, the faith healer's wife had a reaper on a leash, but she knows it isn't the time.

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