100. DEJA VU

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Sam and the girls are sitting in the motel, Sam sitting on the edge of one bed and the girls are sitting on the other bed, resting against the headboard. Sam apologized to both of them for what he did the night he got his soul back and anything else he might've done while he didn't have the soul.

Ophelia assured him that he didn't really do anything else terrible while soulless, aside from a few rude comments here and there. She accepted his apology, knowing he meant it, and she seems to be comfortable around him again. For the most part, at least.

But Libby still won't go near him. His apology had to be through the bedroom door since she had locked herself in there again. Sam doesn't want to push her boundaries because he knows that'll only push back the process of her being okay with him again. He feels terrible about doing what he did. The last thing he wants to do is hurt his daughter and he did exactly that.

The best thing is that Libby's okay with him in the room if other people are in the room. But she won't really talk to him and she barely even looks at him, always reminded of that night.

"What are you watching?" Dean asks, walking in.

"Just trying to catch up. So... Mel Gibson really took a turn this past year, huh?" Sam asks, turning the TV to Disney Channel for the girls.

"Or he's possessed." Dean says and Sam looks at him. "Seriously, think about it." He says, tossing Sam food. He tosses the girls' food onto the bed, Ophelia reaching out and getting it, handing Libby her food. "So, I just got off the blower with Bobby."

"Oh, yeah? You got anything else on this, uh, mother of all thing?" Sam asks.

"Uh, no, nothing solid. He says it's quiet." Dean says. Sam's phone dings.

"Quiet like quiet or quiet like too quiet?" Sam asks, checking his phone.

"When is it ever just quiet?" Dean asks.

"Right." Sam says, reading the message he got and he hums.

"What?" Dean asks and Sam shows him the text. "What are these, coordinates? Who's it from?"

"I have no idea." Sam says, looking the coordinates up on a map.

"Well?" Dean asks after a few moments.

"Uh, Bristol, Rhode Island, where three women disappeared in the last week. Apparently, the, uh, victims seemed to vanish into thin air." Sam says.

"Could be something. Who's the text from?" Dean asks.

"I don't know. It just kept ringing." Sam says.

"What's that about?" Dean asks.

"Could be another hunter looking for backup, throwing us a case? Who knows how many hunters I even met, working with the Campbells, you know? But I think we should go." Sam says.

"Whoa, wait. We're just gonna drop everything?" Dean asks.

"Dude, two minutes ago, you weren't doing anything." Sam says.

"You got mysterious coordinates from a mysterious Mr. X, leading to a mysterious town? That doesn't throw up red flags to you?" Dean asks.

"I don't know. Maybe. But that doesn't mean we can just ignore a bunch of missing girls, right?" Sam asks.

"Okay. We'll check it out. But if things get squirrely, we dump out, okay?" Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam nods.


They're at a restaurant in Bristol and Dean is looking through missing persons leaflets.

"Well, freak's got a type... brunettes." Dean says.

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