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They're in town on a case and the brothers are getting ready to talk to a woman, the girls having to stay in the car.

"Can I come?" Ophelia asks.

"No. You never come with." Dean says.

"Well, I want to. I'm 13, don't you think I can handle you questioning somebody?" Ophelia questions.

"She's got a point." Sam says, hanging his phone up to whoever he was talking to. "So, real estate guy's wife said he was acting weird. Uh, historian's hubby said the same -- just got all obsessive and then weird. No one saw any black eyes, but still, where there's smoke, you know..."

"Please." Ophelia gives her father puppy dog eyes.

Dean huffs as he considers.

"Okay. Fine. But--"

"I won't say a word." Ophelia promises, getting out of the Impala.

"I hate teenagers." Dean grumbles as he gets out of the car and Sam laughs.

"Libs... you wanna stay in here alone or go with?" Sam asks.

"Have fun." Libby mutters, too enticed in her book to pay much attention to her family. Sam gets out, the three heading to a house.

"I wonder what they're all looking for." Sam says.

"Well, Wendy Rice here was the last person to speak with Ann, so let's see if she can tell us." Dean says. Sam knocks on the door and soon a woman with curlers in her hair opens the door.

"Special Agent Lynne. This is my partner, Special Agent Tandy. This is Ophelia, it's take your daughter to work day. We'd like to ask you a few questions about Ann Morton." Sam says.

"Oh." Wendy chuckles a bit, seeming nervous. "Uh, uh, uh, of course. Please come in."

~ ~ ~

The three Winchesters are sitting on the couch and Wendy puts a tray of mugs down on the coffee table.

"I had never met her before she called the other night." Wendy informs, sitting in a chair across from them.

"Now, why was she calling you?" Sam asks.

"She was looking to find an original map of the city." Wendy says.

"Did she say what for?" Sam asks.

"Well, she-she didn't, but she did mention an... an old orchard that had gone missing." Wendy says.

"Missing?" Dean questions.

"This-- this town was wiped from the earth by one of the river's 100 year floods. It was-- it was rebuilt. But all the original records were-were lost. I'm-- I'm a PhD candidate. And this -- this is my research." She says, bringing a binder over and going through it on the coffee table.

"I, uh... my dissertation is-is on the history of this town and, uh, its connection to the Underground Railroad and-and-- and whatnot. I've been working to recreate the map for years as part of my research, and this-this is the old Jakubiak Orchard there." She points to a certain point on the map. "I found out yesterday it's where Downey meets Bond Street."

"Now, did Ann say why she was looking for the site of an old orchard?" Sam asks.

"No. We-- we set a time to meet and she never showed. Then I read about her in the paper. It's just tragic. Ann's assistant called this morning, though, asking if I still had the map." Wendy says.

"Assistant?" Sam asks. There's multiple knocks on the door.

"Oh. That's probably him. Maybe he can help." Wendy says, getting up and going to answer the door. Sam and Dean get up, Dean motioning for Ophelia to stay on the couch. Wendy opens to the door to find three men in suits.

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