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Sam, Ophelia, and Libby all wake up to the song Heat of the Moment playing on the radio. Ophelia lets out a small groan and puts the pillow over her head.

Sam sits up as Libby rubs her eyes.

"Rise and shine, Sammy! Munchkins!" Dean exclaims over the music.

"Dude. Asia?" Sam asks as Libby climbs into his lap, tiredly cuddling into his chest.

"Come on. You love this song and you know it." Dean says.

"Yeah, and if I ever hear it again I'm gonna kill myself." Sam says and Dean turns the volume up.

"What? Sorry, couldn't hear you." Dean says and Sam laughs. Dean bops along to the song.

~ ~ ~

"Whenever you're ready, Dean." Sam says as him and the girls wait for Dean to leave.

Dean pulls a black bra out of his bag.

"This yours?" Dean asks. Sam glares at him and Dean laughs. Dean searches through his bag more and gets his gun. "Bingo." Dean tucks his gun into the waistband of his jeans and then grabs Ophelia's hand. "Now who's ready for some breakfast?"


They get to a diner and a cashier is dealing with a customer. The four sit in an empty booth, Ophelia and Dean on one side, Libby and Sam across from them.

"Hey. Tuesday. Pig 'n a poke." Dean points out.

"You even know what that is?" Sam asks. The waitress walks up.

"You four ready?" She asks.

"Yes. I'll have the special, side of bacon, and a coffee." Dean says.

"Make it two coffees and a short stack." Sam says. "And, uh..." Sam looks to the two parts of the menu Libby is pointing at. "Chocolate milk and short stack." He says.

"Orange juice and scrambled eggs and bacon, please." Ophelia politely orders, giving the waitress a kind smile.

"You got it." Doris says, walking away.

"I'm telling you, Sam, this job is small fry. We should be spending our time hunting down Bela." Dean says.

"Okay, sure, let's get right on that. Where is she again?" Sam asks.

"Shut up." Dean retorts.

"Look. Believe me, I want to find her as bad as you do. In the meantime, we have this." Sam says, pulling some papers out.

"All right, so this professor." Dean says, looking at the headline of the newspaper clipping.

"Dexter Hasselback was passing through town last week when he vanished." Sam says. Sam says.

"Last known location?" Dean asks.

"His daughter says he was on his way to visit the Broward County Mystery Spot." Sam says as Dean looks over the pamphlet for the said place.

""Where the laws of psychics have no meaning."" Dean reads and Sam shrugs. Doris walks over with a tray containing four drinks and a bottle of hot sauce.

"Two coffees, black, orange juice, chocolate milk, and some hot sauce for the--" Doris cuts herself off and gasps as the hot sauce falls off and smashes to the floor. "Whoops. Crap! Sorry." She tells them. "Cleanup!" She yells out.


The four are walking down the street after breakfast while the brothers discuss the case.

"Sam, joints like this are only tourist traps, right? I mean, you know, balls rolling uphill, furniture nailed to the ceiling, they're only dangerous to your wallet." Dean says.

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