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They're all at Bobby's house and Bobby is at his desk, researching while the girls are sitting on the couch. Sam and Dean are in the kitchen, arguing over the fact that angels do actually seem to exist.

"Well, then tell me what else it could be." Sam says.

"Look, all I know is I was not groped by an angel." Dean states.

"Okay, look, Dean. Why do you think Castiel would lie to you about it?" Sam asks.

"Maybe he's some kind of demon. Demons lie." Dean says.

"I don't think he's a demon. His energy is different. He was still mad like demons, though." Ophelia says.

"A demon who's immune to salt rounds and devil's traps... and Ruby's knife? Dean, Lilith is scared of that thing!" Sam exclaims.

"Don't you think that if angels were, that some hunter somewhere would have seen one... at some point? Ever?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. You just did, Dean." Sam retorts.

"I'm trying to come up with a theory here. Okay? Work with me."

"Dean, we have a theory."

"Yeah, one with a little less fairy dust on it, please."

"Okay, look. I'm not saying we know for sure. I'm just saying that I think we--"

"Okay, okay. That's the point. We don't know for sure, so I'm not gonna believe that this thing is a freaking Angel of the Lord because it says so!"

"He had wings. Angels have wings." Ophelia argues.

"So do fairies. But those don't exist, huh?" Dean says. Ophelia huffs, hating her father's stubbornness and closed mind.

"You chuckleheads want to keep arguing religion, or do you want to come take a look at this?" Bobby asks. The brothers walk over to Bobby's desk. "I got stacks of lore. Biblical, pre-Biblical. Some of it's in damn cuneiform. It all says an angel can snatch a soul from the pit."

"What else?" Dean asks.

"What else, what?" Bobby asks.

"What else could do it?" Dean asks.

"Airlift your ass out of the hot box? As far as I can tell, nothing." Bobby says.

"Angel." Ophelia says, earning a light glare from her father.

"Dean, this is good news." Sam says.

"How?" Dean asks.

"Because for once, this isn't just another round of demon crap. I mean, maybe you were saved by one of the good guys, you know?" Sam says.

"Okay. Say it is true. Say there are angels. Then what? There's a God?" Dean asks.

"At this point, Vegas money's on yeah." Bobby says.

"I don't know, guys." Dean says.

"Okay, look. I know you're not all choirboy about this stuff, but this is becoming less and less about faith and more about proof." Sam states.

"Proof?" Dean asks.

"Yes." Sam nods.

"Proof that there's a God out there that actually gives a crap about me personally? I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it." Dean says.

"Why not?" Sam asks.

"Because why me? If there is a God out there, why would he give a crap about me?"


"I mean, I've saved some people, okay? I figured that made up for the stealing and the ditching chicks. And really just treating chicks how I hope Ophelia or Libby aren't treated when they're older, which you think would make me stop, but-- but why do I deserve to get saved? I'm just a regular guy."

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