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"Sam!" Jessica Moore calls out to her boyfriend, adjusting the hat on her sexy nurse costume. "Get a move on, would you? We were supposed to be there like fifteen minutes ago."

She gets no response.

"Sam! You coming or what?"

Sam walks into the doorway, their two year old infant on his hip.

"Do I have to?" Sam asks.

"Yes! It'll be fun." Jess assures as Sam walks over to her. "And where's your costume?" Sam laughs, ducking his head.

"You know how I feel about Halloween." Sam says.

"You took Libby trick or treating with me." Jess counters.

"Yes, but she was begging for me to come with you guys. Her puppy dog eyes are too good." Sam complains. He pokes Libby's cheek making her giggle.

"She gets that from you." Jess states.

"Yeah, and it's coming back to bite me in the butt." Sam grumbles making Jess laugh. Libby giggles making both parents smile at her.

"Well, you guys shouldn't be so cute." Jess pecks his lips before kissing Libby's cheek. "Now, come on. We can drop her off at the sitter's and then go to the party."

"What if I just stay here with her? Some quality father-daughter time." Sam still tries to get out of going to the party.

"Nice try, but no." Jess smiles making Sam sigh in defeat. "It'll be fine, don't worry."


Dean Winchester sneaks up the fire escape until he reaches the window he wants.

"Daddy, where are we?" His five year old daughter asks.

"This is the surprise, O. We gotta be quiet, though, okay?" Dean whispers and Ophelia nods.

Dean quietly opens the window before picking Ophelia up and placing her inside. Dean climbs inside after.

"Stay here." Dean whispers to his daughter. The young girl nods and Dean ventures throughout the apartment.

Ophelia looks around at the dark apartment, taking in what she's able to see since her eyes aren't completely adjusted to the dark yet. The girl's attention is dragged to the other room when she hears a thud.

There's a few more thuds and Ophelia grows worried for her father, scared the person who lives here might hurt him. The young girl quietly tiptoes to the other room, watching her dad hover over the other person on the ground.

"Whoa, easy, tiger." Her dad says.

"Dean?" The owner of the apartment asks and Dean laughs. The voice sounds familiar to Ophelia, but she isn't so sure yet. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"That's cause you're out of practice." Dean says. The other person quickly pushes Dean off, pinning him to the floor. "Or not. Get off of me."

The person stands up, pulling Dean up as well.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asks.

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