147. PB&J

511 30 14

Dean and the girls get back to the bunker after going out to get groceries. Libby originally wanted to stay since Sam still hadn't woken up from the nap he took yesterday, but Dean made her come with, telling her Sam would want her to get out of the house and get some sun.

They sit in the library as Sam walks in wearing his pajamas and his hair a mess.

"Y--" Dean stops when he looks at his brother's state. "Man, I'm telling you, give me five minutes with some clippers, and..."

"Oh, shut up." Sam mutters as Libby smiles and quickly goes over to him, giving him a bear hug. Sam tries to hug back tightly, but doesn't have the energy, just lightly resting his arm around her shoulders.

"Uh, what time did I lay down?" Sam asks.

"You took a siesta around noon. Yesterday." Dean says. He grabs a beer bottle and throws it at Sam, but the younger one fails to react, the bottle shattering on the floor.

"I'm sorry, I, uh..." Sam mumbles, keeping Libby from walking, even though she has shoes on.

"That's why we don't have nice things, Sam." Dean says. Sam walks to the library, stumbling. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm-I'm fine, I just--" Sam leans on the table and rubs his face. Libby frowns, putting her hand on his arm and looking up at him with nothing but worry in her eyes. "Uh, you know what, I'm gonna get dressed. We should go find Kevin."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, easy, easy, Sleeping Beauty." Dean tells him. "Look, man, I've hacked into every security camera around Garth's houseboat, Kevin's hometown, where Mrs. Tran lived..."

"And?" Sam asks.

"Well, nothing so far." Dean says.

"Dean, we have to find him." Sam says.

"I know. I know, but Garth is out looking for him, we got a hunter APB out on Kevin, we will do what we can from here while you get better." Dean says.

"I'm fine. Dean, I can still go out there, I can still hunt." Sam insists.

"Uncle Sam, you can barely walk." Ophelia retorts.

"I can walk." Sam says.

"Really?" Dean asks.


The four are in the library and Libby is leaning against Sam, looking at his computer with him. His laptop dings and Sam clicks on the email notifiction.

"It's from Charlie." Sam says. ""In the neighborhood, found you guys a case." Found us a case?"

"In the neighborhood? How the hell does she know where we are?" Dean asks.

"Uh, well, she doesn't. Not exactly, at least. It says she tracked our cells to a twenty mile radius, then the signal went out. Huh. This place must be in some kinda, like, Bermuda Triangle."

"What, are you saying we can make and receive phone calls from here and nobody can track us? Man, I love this place."


The four are waiting by the Impala and watch as Charlie pulls up.

"Your highness!" Dean calls as Charlie gets out of her car.

"What's up, bitches?" Charlie asks. Libby goes to her and hugs the redhead who returns the hug. Ophelia hugs her next before Charlie goes to the brothers. She hugs Dean and then hugs Sam.

Sam cuts the hug short, leaning back onto the Impala.

"You okay, Sam?" Charlie asks.

"Yeah, no, I'm-I'm good, yeah. What're you doing in Kansas?" Sam asks, changing the subject.

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