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The Winchesters get to a motel, rushing in so they're out of the pouring rain.

"Whew. Nice digs, for once." Dean says, looking around the fancy lobby.

They go to the front desk and request a room.

"Busy night." Dean says, watching the front desk guy rapidly type away on the computer.

"Any port in a storm, I guess." The front desk guy says. "If you could just fill this out, please."

"Yeah." Dean mumbles, taking the form.

"Sir, I think... shaving nick there." Chad says, handing Dean a tissue. Dean puts the tissue to his neck, pulling it away to find a small spot of blood. "Your key." He holds the item up.

"Oh. Thanks." Dean says, taking the key. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a coffee shop, would you?" Dean asks.

"Buffet. All you can eat. Best pie in the tri-state area." Chad informs.

"Buffet? Pie? Let's go!" Libby immediately dashes off.

"Wha-- wait, Libby!" Sam hisses after her, chasing the girl down. "You don't even know where you're going!"

"I'll find it!" She assures.

"Kids." Dean chuckles, Chad giving a fake chuckle back.

~ ~ ~

Dean sits down across from Sam with two plates of pie. The girls are sitting across from each other, digging into their own food and dessert.

"Sam, unpucker, man. Eat something." Dean says.

"We should hit the road, Dean." Sam says.

"In this storm? It's--"

"It's Biblical. Exactly. I-it's friggin' Noah's Ark out there, and we're eating pie." Sam says.

"How many hours of sleep did you get this week? What? Three? Four? Bobby's got his feelers out, okay? We have talked with every hoodoo man and root woman in twelve states."

"Yeah, well, I'm not giving up."

"Nobody's giving up. Especially me. We're gonna find a way to beat the devil, okay? Soon. I can feel it. And we will find Cas, we'll find Adam. But you are no good to me burnt out."

"Yeah. Yeah, okay."

"Come on, we've actually got a night off for once. Let's try to enjoy it."


The four make their way to their room, Dean spotting a couple making out in front of the door to the next room. He points them out to Sam and chuckles.

"Oh, what are you, twelve?" Sam scoffs.

"I'm young at heart." Dean says. He unlocks the door and opens it, whistling at the room. "Wow. Look at this. We're like Rockefellers. Chocolates!" He laughs, taking the chocolate off one of the pillows. The girls get the other chocolates, only one left since Sam hasn't grabbed one.

"you want yours?" Dean asks his brother.

"Knock yourself out." Sam says and Dean immediately snags the extra piece of chocolate.

"Whoa. "Casa Erotica 13" on demand." Dean says and Sam scoffs.

"There are two children in the room, you know." Sam says.

"They can go back to the buffet for a bit." Dean shrugs and Sam scoffs. "What?"

"Isn't this place... in the middle of nowhere?" Sam asks.

"So?" Dean asks.

"So what's a four star hotel doing on a no star highway?" Sam questions.

They hear a woman let out a delighted moan on the other side of the wall. They hear a bed thumping and.

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