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They watch the news as leviathans who are disguised as Sam and Dean shoot up a bank. Libby is facing away from the TV, Sam knowing she doesn't need to see this and get the image in her head. Bobby turns the TV off.

"Busy morning, you two?" Bobby asks.

"Those sons of bitches xeroxed us." Dean says.

"But I don't understand how." Sam says.

"I don't know." Bobby shrugs, getting a beer from the fridge. "Maybe one of 'em touched you at the hospital."

"It was the hair!" Chet yells up from the basement. "Not too hard to lift some DNA out of a motel shower drain, guys!"

"You can copy people like that?" Dean asks.

"Do we look like we know?" Ophelia asks as Bobby shrugs.

"Awesome. Well, what is their plan, exactly?" Dean asks.

"Squeeze us. Turn us into the most wanted men in America." Sam says.

"Jeez, again? Really?" Ophelia complains. "We should move countries."

"All right. Well, that settles it. We find these ass monkeys and we kill them ourselves." Dean says.

"Wait a sec. Every form of law enforcement in the country has seen your ugly mugs this morning." Bobby says.

"Exactly. So what's the point in trying to hide?" Dean asks.

"So you don't get arrested and, like, you know... sentenced to death or something." Ophelia says like it's obvious.

"Please. We could easily escape jail." Dean scoffs making his daughter roll her eyes.

"Better than sticking your fool neck out. These things are smarter than you." Bobby says.

"Geez, Bobby, don't sugarcoat it." Sam says.

"You don't have a clue how to kill 'em or slow 'em down, and your plan is, what? Go right at 'em? Genius." Bobby remarks.

"They're wearing our faces, Bobby. This is personal." Dean says.

"Yeah, I'm with Dean here." Sam says.

"Well, if you're gonna be stupid, you might as well be smart about it. You need to see a fella named Frank Devereaux." Bobby says.

"Who's he?" Sam asks.

"He's a jackass and a lunatic, but he owes me one, from back in Port Huron." Bobby says, giving Dean a piece of paper that has an address on it. "In the meantime, I'll keep working on Chatty Cathy here, see if I can figure out what makes him die."


Bobby is taking a bottle out of a shopping bag, the girls sitting on the couch and watching TV.

"I could try to explode him. See if that works." Ophelia offers.

"No, you ain't doing that. I know you hate it. Besides, not everybody is a rage-filled Dean." Bobby mutters.

Before Ophelia can reply, there's a knock on the door making them turn to it. Bobby motions for the girls to be quiet as he grabs his gun. He looks through the peephole and rubs his hand over his beard before opening the door to reveal Sheriff Mills.

"What the... what the hell are you doing here?" Bobby asks.

"You're all charm, Bobby." Jody remarks.

"Way to greet someone." Ophelia mutters.

"So my therapist keeps telling me. How'd you find me?" Bobby asks.

"I'm a cop, remember?" Jody says. She holds up a shopping bag and a six pack of beer. "You gonna invite me in?"

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