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Dean and the girls are in the motel room and Sam gets back, a bag of food in hand.

"How'd it go?" Dean asks.

"Um... no EMF, no sulfur. Ghost possession and demonic possession are both probably out." Sam says.

"Hmm. That's where I puttin' my money." Dean mutters.

"Nope." Sam objects.

"Well, then what, then? Oh, dude! At the coroner's-- you didn't see these bodies. I mean, these two started eating a-and they just... kept going. I mean, their stomachs were full. Like-- like... Thanksgiving dinner full. Talk about codependent."

"Well... I mean, we got our feelers out. Not much more we can do tonight." Sam shrugs. "All right. I'm just gonna go through some files. You can go ahead and get going."

"Sorry?" Dean asks.

"Go ahead. Unleash the kraken. See you tomorrow morning."

"Where am I going?"

"Dean, it's Valentine's Day. Your favorite holiday, remember? I mean, what do you always call it? Uh, unattached drifter Christmas?"

"Oh, yeah. Well... be that as it may... I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year."

"So you're not into bars full of lonely women?"

"Nah, I guess not." Dean says, taking a sip of his beer and noticing Sam's look. "What?"

"That's when a dog doesn't eat. That's when you know something's really wrong." Sam says.

"Remarkable patronizing concern duly noted. Nothing's wrong. We gonna work or what?" Dean asks.


The four are at a restaurant with Cas. The waitress walks up and gives the four Winchesters their food before walking off and the girls immediately start digging into their food.

"So, what, you just happen to know he likes the cosmos at this place?" Dean asks Cas.

"This place is a nexus of human reproduction. It's exactly the kind of garden the Cupid will come to-- to pollinate." Cas says.

Dean goes to eat his cheeseburger, but doesn't even take a bite before he puts it back down.

"Wait a minute. You're not hungry?" Sam asks.

"No." Dean says and Sam raises his eyebrows, the girls looking at him confused. "What? I'm not hungry."

"Are you sick?" Libby asks.

"I'm fine." Dean insists.

"Then you're not gonna finish that?" Cas asks, taking the plate from Dean. Ophelia looks at him confused. She thought angels didn't eat. "He's here." Cas states, the others following his gaze to a couple.

"Where? I don't see anything." Sam says.

"There." Cas points.

"You mean the same side of the booth couple over there?" Dean asks.

"Meet me in the back." Cas vanishes.

"You two stay here." Dean tells the girls.

"What else is new?" Ophelia mumbles with a mouth full of food.


It's morning and Dean and Sam were both gone when the girls woke up. They're still in their pajamas when the door opens, Sam and Dean walking in.

"Where'd you guys go?" Ophelia asks as Libby goes up to Sam who picks her up.

"We went out to, uh... get something." Dean says.

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