Jo smiles at me and pulls me into a hug.

Jo: thanks.
Delilah: no problem. If you ever need company in the loft, just shoot me a text.
Jo: I'll hold you to that.


I find Jackson with Koracick discussing about the Pac North interviews.

Jackson: so, who are you bringing back?
Tom: TBD.
Jackson: don't act like you haven't decided.
Tom: it's not an act, it's a managerial nightmare. I promise, your wife and I will let you know as soon as we've made a decision.

I raise my brow.

Delilah: I'm sorry. You said what?
Tom: you're helping with the interviews.
Delilah: Tom Koracick wanting feedback from another human being? Wow, am I in an alternate universe or something?
Tom: don't make my regret this decision Shepherd.
Delilah: sorry. I'll shut up.
Bailey: what decision?
Jackson: foundation's absorbing Pac North and its employees.
Bailey: oh—
Jackson: yep.
Bailey: in that event, uh, I'd like to make some recommendations.
Tom: about the people you impulsively fired to set in motion a chain of events I'm still trying to clear up? No thank you, I'll conduct the interviews myself along with Shepherd, and make our decisions.
Bailey: and here I thought you and I were making friends.
Tom: you did? That's so nice to hear.

I mouth 'I'm sorry' to Bailey then I walk alongside Tom.

Delilah: I promise Koracick, I'll be one hundred percent unbiased.
Tom: really? 'Cause I know that Hunt is your BFF and Webber is your former mentor.
Delilah: Owen and Webber may be like family to me, but I promise that I will be unbiased. Surgeon swear.
Tom: alright. Let's do this.

We look over resumes and discuss our plan as we walk into the waiting area where all the Pac North doctors and nurses were. I smile when I see Owen and Webber.

Tom: okay folks. A-as you can see, Dr. Shepherd and I've got a lot of interviewing to do. We'll be as efficient as possible, but thank you for your patience.
Owen: Chief Karev is on personal leave, so I've been acting as interim and—
Tom: cool story bro. Dr. Shepherd.
Delilah: okay, first up is Dr. Webber.

I give Richard a small smile as he stands up and walks with us to the conference room.

Tom: you'll be happy to hear, uh, Dr. Fox was, uh very clear.
Delilah: your job is safe.

Richard turns around and looks at us.

Webber: what's that supposed to mean?
Tom: your wife wants you here at Grey-Sloan big guy. She wants you here enough to buy a craptastic hospital and pretend it's an investment.
Webber: no.
Tom: no?
Webber: no. I though I could do this, because I miss Grey-Sloan, because I miss Bailey and– and Meredith, and– and Delilah, and– and Bokhee and OR 2. God, I miss OR 2. But if Catherine thinks she can just move me where she wants like she's playing chess and I'm some pawn—
Delilah: you're not a pawn Richard.
Tom: exactly. A rook at least. Maybe a Knight.

Not the point I was trying to make Koracick.

Webber: you tell Dr. Fox she can go to hell.

I was shocked Richard would ever say something like that, especially in front of me.

Tom: look, I– I take it back. You are her queen!
Webber: well, checkmate!

Stole My Heart ❤️ {a Jackson Avery Love Story} (continued)Where stories live. Discover now