Chapter 226:

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I left the house early for an appointment at the hospital, and I just finished so I walk out and I find Mer walking towards the elevator.

Delilah: morning!
Meredith: hey! You seem happy.
Delilah: I am.
Meredith: any particular reason?
Delilah: nope. Today's just... a great day.

I have been keeping a secret for weeks now, and I'm revealing it tonight.

I wait beside Mer for the elevator. Mer was reading some article and I look over her shoulder and read it with her.

Tom: ah. Anything good?
Meredith: what? No.

Mer had this scared look on her face, which confused me, but I let it slide.

I notice that Koracick was smirking at Mer and she notices it too.

Meredith: stop smirking at me.
Tom: I don't smirk– I smile. And if you interpret my smile as a smirk, well, that's just because you find me mischievous, and, dare I say, charming.

I roll my eyes at Koracick's cockiness.

Meredith: I don't find you anything.
Tom: I saved your sister's brain, so at the very least, you find me talented.
Meredith: ... let's just leave it at that.

I chuckle at Mer as the elevator doors open. I walk in with Mer and I see Owen walk in with Leo in his arms and Amy behind him.

Owen: oh, hey. Morning.
Delilah: hey O. Hello little Leo.

I grab Leo from Owen and hold him in my arms.

Delilah: you look so cute in that hat! Yes you do!

Owen chuckles at me as I tickle Leo. When we reach the next floor, the first thing I see when the doors open is Teddy.

Teddy: oh crap.
Delilah: Teddy?! Oh my god!
Teddy: hi.
Owen: wait, why are you– what are you doing here?
Meredith: excuse me. Hi.
Teddy: hi.
Meredith: hey.

Meredith walks off but I hang back to talk to Teddy.

Teddy: Bailey offered me a job, and I was considering it, but—
Amy: we have a head of cardio.
Teddy: uh, interim chief. She– she offered me the interim chief job.
Meredith: oh. There's an interim chief job? I didn't...
Teddy: uh, she's wanting a– a stress sabbatical.
Meredith: oh.
Owen: so, are you gonna take it, or...?
Teddy: I am not. I'm– I'm– I'm leaving actually. Nice to see you Amelia, you too Lilah, and, uh, whoever you are.
Owen: oh, this is, um, this is Leo.
Teddy: goodbye Owen. I'm– I'm, uh, I'm... I'm gonna go.

Teddy walks off in a rush, causing me to raise my brows in confusion.

Amy: wow.
Owen: she's in Seattle and she doesn't call? That's... wow.
Amy: are you still... hung up on her? You know what? Don't answer that. I am gonna drop off Leo. You have a good day.
Owen: Amelia...

Amy walks off with Leo.

Delilah: Wanna talk about that?
Owen: nope.

I chuckle at Owen as Schmitt and Roy zoom past us.

Delilah: hey, slow down you two!
Roy: incoming trauma!

Just as Roy runs off, my pager and Owen's goes off for the incoming trauma.

Delilah: Owen, I'll meet you in the ER. I have to change.

I quickly run to the nearest bathroom, change into my scrubs then run to the ER. I meet with Owen then put a trauma gown on.

Owen: that's not our trauma?
Webber: oh, just some stomach pain. Uh, you and Avery got this Hunt?
Delilah: we've got it Richard.

Once I had my trauma gown, I run out with Owen to the ambulance. I was shocked to see Andrew come out of the rig with the paramedics.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {a Jackson Avery Love Story} (continued)Where stories live. Discover now