Chapter 236:

903 23 2

I'm walking into work with Jackson, with Xander on my hip and the twins in between us. I smile when I see Owen with Leo.

Owen: hey. Say hi to the twins and Xander.
G&C: hi uncle Owen!
Owen: hey guys.
Delilah: you guys know Leo.
Jackson: we left Mr. Bubbles at mom's yesterday, so it was a super fun morning.
Owen: Mr. Bubbles?
Delilah: yeah, it's Xander's stuffed fishy.
Owen: ah.
Delilah: Owen, piece of parenting advice. There's gonna come a time when Leo becomes so attached to something, he can't sleep without it.
J&D: buy two of those things. Maybe ten.

Owen chuckles at me as I walk into the daycare.


I was texting Joey to pay attention in class when I see Meredith from the top of my vision.

Meredith: I need to talk to you.
Delilah: what's up?
Meredith: I'm thinking about going on a date... with Andrew DeLuca.

I look up at Mer amused.

Delilah: wow.
Meredith: is that okay with you?
Delilah: Mer, you don't need my permission to go out with anyone.
Meredith: it's just that... you're my person and I want you to know stuff.
Delilah: Mer, you can go out with whoever you want. Go out with Andrew. But, I am going to interrogate the crap out him, and I ain't taking no for an answer.
Meredith: fine.
Delilah: good.

Then, I get paged by Owen for a trauma.

Delilah: gotta go, incoming trauma. Love you.

I run off to the pit, grab a trauma gown and run with Owen out to the ambulance bay.

Owen: okay. Dispatch mentioned there was a shooting downtown?
Parker: gunfire at a parade. People just started running. Not quite sure what we're getting.
Delilah: damn. The first sunny day in weeks, and families are dodging bullets.

We run up to the rig as it pulls up.

Delilah: what do we got?

I see a man in a kilt come out of the rig with the paramedics.

Colin's dad: we were right in the middle of performing on 24th, and– and my son– he was shot. He was bleeding everywhere.
Paramedic: Colin Anderson, 15. Bullet went through his hand and into his chest. Sats 87 on 4 litres of oxygen.
Colin: what's happening? Dad?
Colin's dad: yeah, you're alright sonny.
Delilah: okay, let's clear trauma one. Let's move!!
Colin's dad: why would someone bring a gun to a bloody parade?!

We start wheeling Colin in and once we had him in a trauma room, we start assessing him.

Delilah: Owen, I'm gonna need some help here.

Alex walks into the room as Owen steps in.

Alex: where do you need me?
Delilah: GSW to the right chest and left hand. Owen put in a chest tube, but he lost his airway before we could hook it up.
Colin: so, how's he doing?
Owen: what's your name sir?
Colin's dad: Sheumis.
Delilah: we're gonna figure that out Sheumis, okay?

Blood starts coming out of Colin's chest tube.

Colin's dad: oh god. W-what is happening?
Alex: 200 cc in the pleurovac.
Owen: we're gonna have to do a scan, get a better idea of your son's injuries. Sorry, but it's best if you step outside.
Colin's dad: that's my boy. I'm not leaving.
Delilah: Sheumis—
Colin's dad: I'll– I'll step aside, but I'm not leaving my boy.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {a Jackson Avery Love Story} (continued)Where stories live. Discover now