We all look at Amy.

Amy: oh, I get the question. Uh, I'm... auntie Amelia. Betty's more like big sister. So Teddy's... stepmom, I guess?

Maggie's phone goes off.

Maggie: damn it. Sabi's crashing. Here.

Maggie grabs the folder from Mer and takes off.

Amy: Sabi is...?
Meredith: her patient.
Delilah: and Richard's niece.
Amy: oh damn.
Meredith: yeah.
Amy: you know, Owen can be pushed at me– I don't care– but he can't take it out on a patient.
Meredith: do you want any...

I see that Amy had left and I chuckle.

Meredith: everyone's got a patient. I want a patient.

I chuckle at Mer and lean my head on her shoulder.


I'm back at the hospital and I'm in the ER going over charts when I get approached by a nurse.

Nurse: Dr. Avery, incoming trauma. We've paged Dr. Altman.

I grab a trauma gown and I wait in the ambulance bay. Just as three rigs pull up, Teddy comes out.

Teddy: what do we know?
Delilah: accident downtown.

Teddy and I run up to the first rig.

Delilah: what we got?
Paramedic: Kevin Peters, 35 years old. Blunt force trauma to the head and multiple leg fractures. Witnesses saw him run past the red light, claims he wasn't paying attention.
Teddy: take him into trauma one and page Ortho.

The paramedics wheel him in as Teddy and I run up to the next rig with Nicole.

Delilah: talk to me Nicole.
Nicole: you shouldn't be here Avery.
Delilah: why not?
Nicole: it's—
Paramedic: Joey Mitchell, 17 years old. Major blunt force trauma to the head, multiple fractures, decreased breath sounds on the right. Unresponsive in the field...

My heart drops into my stomach when I see my little brother on the gurney.

Delilah: oh my god. Joey!

I grab my light and check his pupils.

Delilah: his pupils are unresponsive. Joey!
Teddy: Lilah, I've got him. Go to the other rig.

I stay frozen in my place as Teddy wheels Joey inside. I snap out of my trance when I see the other rig.

Paramedic: Jonathan Mitchell, 58 years old. Major blunt force trauma to the head, multiple fractures, last BP was 80/30.
Delilah: let's page Dr. Koracick. Hang in there Jonathan, you hear me?

We get Jonathan into the trauma room and I start assessing him.

Delilah: I need an ultrasound.

Once I got the ultrasound, I get in there.

Delilah: damn it, he's bleeding into his belly. We need to get him up to the OR right now. Let's get him ready to move.

Stole My Heart ❤️ {a Jackson Avery Love Story} (continued)Where stories live. Discover now