Chapter 42: Sudden Behavior

Start from the beginning

"Ow!" Daiki hissed. "You shouldn't be a dog owner. You're too mean!"

"As if you'd be any better. You would make a better dog than trainer!" I teased.

"Huh?! Take that back!" He yelled and began to chase after me as I laughed.

"Guys.....We still have to return the dog," Nari muttered as he watched in defeat.

End of flashback

I smiled at the memory and then looked at Daiko, scratching his ears.

"I think we'll make a great team," I murmured. "Daiki is probably eating his words now along with being happy for me."

Daiko tilted his head to the side, unfamiliar with the name yet it sounded similar to his.

"Don't worry too much. Let's go into town and enjoy the rest of today," I announced and began to race off back to the village.

For the rest of the day we just wandered around and I got him use to being around more people. He even played with some of the academy students who were outside. It made me smile.

It was dark now and I was heading over to meet some of my friends for dinner. We were eating barbecue tonight and I was super excited since it would be bunch of us hanging together for the first time in awhile.

"Sorry for being late!" I apologized as I found their booth.

"We already ordered so it doesn't matter," Kakashi muttered.

"Be nice Kakashi," Rin scolded.

"Eh. He's her brother so it makes sense," Obito pointed out to Rin which earned him an elbow to the side.

"Nari can't make it?" Gai questioned from the other side of the booth, Genma and Asuma with him.

"No. Nari, Kurenai, and Ebisu are on a mission right now remember," I stated.

"Oh. You're right," Gai said a bit embarrassed.

"Ebisu is our teammate and you forgot about it," Genma commented.

"I'm sorry," Gai spoke as if he was on the bridge of crying. "I've been focusing on training so much that I lose track of what others are up to."

"Please don't start crying Gai..." Asuma muttered unamused.

"So this is the famed Daiko huh," Obito commented as I sat down beside him, Daiko laying by my feet.

"That's right. I'm meeting Tsume Inuzuka tomorrow and get her approval of keeping him," I commented. "In a way, this is also a test since I need to work on his behavior a bit."

"How is his tracking?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Very well! He was able to distinguish which scent of mine was fresher and tracked me down," I explained passionately.

"That's good. You've come a long way in only three weeks," Kakashi praised and I smiled happily.

"Kira! We should train more together now that you have the time since Daiko's training has gone so well," Gai exclaimed.

I nodded eagerly. "Yeah. I haven't been training my own skills too much so that would be a good idea."

Soon the food arrived and we began to eat eagerly, talking about small things here and there. Mostly missions we've gone on. We were finishing up and getting ready to leave soon though.

What we didn't notice was Daiko's mood change. He began to lightly growl and his ears pinned back as the hair on his back began to stick up. It was when he stood up from his spot that I took notice.

"Daiko..." I murmured confused.

He began to growl at someone who had walked into the restaurant and I was so confused. It was just some random person. Some of the others in the restaurant became uneasy and Daiko snapped his jaws at anything that moved.

"Daiko!" I yelled, clearly angered by his behavior.

I stood up and moved towards him, but his jaws clamped over my arm. My eyes widened and he immediately stopped his actions when he saw it was me. He let go and looked at the ground guiltily. My eyes narrowed and I dragged him out of the restaurant so no one else would be in harms way. I stood outside and looked at Daiko.

"What the heck was that? You can't just attack random people!" I scolded and he whimpered.

"Kira! Are you alright?" Kakashi immediately asked as he ran over with Rin, Gai, and Obito following suit.

"Your arm," Rin murmured as she stood beside me, immediate beginning to heal it.

"I can do it," I responded in protest.

"It's fine," was her only response as she continued to hold it up healing it.

I sighed and looked back at Daiko.

"You've been doing so well in training?! What happened?!" I exclaimed. "Maybe Tsume was right! You're a wild animal and can't be tamed at all. I can't believe this. Everything I've done, wasted."

"Kira..." Gai murmured, wordiedly.

"Just go!" I yelled at Daiko. "Run away! I don't care where. Just get out of my sight!"

Daiko's ears flattened in shame and then he whimpered as he raced off, leaving the group of young shinobi.

"You shouldn't have been so harsh," Obito stated.

"He bit his trainer, Obito. That is something that isn't easily forgivable," Kakashi pointed out. "But....I don't get it. What could've caused such behavior."

"It doesn't matter. I've failed...." I murmured in defeat.

I then began to walk off and they called my name in protest.

"At least let me walk with you," Gai offered. "It's late."

"I just want to be alone please," I replied and then disappeared into the crowd.

I was debating on heading home, but I knew Kakashi would come back sooner or later and probably ask me questions. I don't want to be bothered. Where to go....where to go...

I heard something whizz towards me and I jumped back. It was a kunai with a paper attached to it. My eyes widened and I leapt back further but was knocked back by the force of the explosion. I got back up and I watch as four shinobi surround me. I glanced at them and my eyes widened when I noticed their headbands.

Mist shinobi......

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