It's A Good Kind Of Change

Start from the beginning

He left my hands in order to open the door and I instantly missed his warm touch.

Its a weird thought but I wanted him to hold my hand and never let go, but we can't always have what we desire right?

Shaking off the hard feeling I looked at what he was doing, soon I found that he had already opened the door to what seems like a huge room.

Yoongi : " Come on Ji, what are you waiting for "

He asked with a huge grin on his face and led me inside. I gasped in surprise as I realized that this was a bowling alley inside a bowling alley but with no one inside, and not just bowling but other games like the claw machine, whac a mole were also present.

As I was taking in the scene I realized that there were no people in here and he had acquired the key. Aren't you supposed to not have the key to such rooms unless you are a staff?

Yoongi : " Do you like it? "

He asked with hopeful expression, I wanted to answer but then we were not really on speaking terms. Its been months since I last spoke to him and I don't know what to say or do. What if my voice betrays me and shows how desperate I am to get back together like old times, it may even show him that I feel like crying into his arms.

I just nodded in response and he seemed a bit disappointed since he probably wanted me to speak.

It isn't that easy, I can't just forget everything in a second even though I wish I can.

I'm afraid that I will mess things up again so its better I keep my mouth shut.

Yoongi : " I know you have a lot of questions, well I'm not sure which ones to be exact but I will answer a few, I rented the place for a while so we could do anything you want and that too without anyone noticing or blowing our covers off. "

He explained, I opened my mouth to protest about the cost he would have spent and then wisely shut it off remembering he would just shrug it off anyway.

I remembered the old times, when he would do such things and when I fume at him for wasting his hard earned money on me he would shrug and say " I have made enough for myself and my family and besides I don't have anyone to spend it on and I would feel good if you are happy so I don't think its a problem "

I smiled slightly at the memory and he was watching me intently with a slight smile on his face too, then he broke off his stance and said,

Yoongi : " Come on now, lets not waste time "

And he dragged me towards bowling first, he prepared the balls and we held one each. I have been here a many few times and though I won't say I have become an expert I think I sure can get a strike or two.

Yoongi : " Me first "

He said and let the ball roll on the path but unfortunate for him it went to the side and ended up hitting not a single bottle.

He stood their frozen with his mouth agape and tint of pink on his ears. He looked so embarrassed and adorable I had to bite my lips in order to control a laugh but a humongous grin sure did appear.

Yoongi : " I chose the wrong ball "

He huffed and went to examine a better ball for the next time.

It was my turn and I managed to knock down three bottles. I was grinning, proud at myself and he just muttered

Yoongi : " Beginner's luck "

Yes oppa, surely your luck has not began yet.

I thought and went to pick up another ball.

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