Winter Falls [SKZmas Day 11]

Start from the beginning

The last stretch of his ride home was spent going at a painfully slow pace making sure he could see where he was going, luckily he soon spotted his driveway and pulled into it.

The boy made sure he had his keys ready for when he got out so he could rush in without getting completely covered in snow.

Despite his efforts the boy was still pretty covered in the white downpour when he shut the front door.

As he was pulling off his shoes he heard the scurries of little paws. "Hey Soonie" Minho cooed as he leaned down to stroke the ginger fur. Soonie was quick to rub themselves against Minho's leg and demanded to be picked up.

"Of course the other two don't greet me" Minho playfully glared at the two cats in his living room whilst he picked Soonie up and kissed their head whilst making his way to the kitchen.

"You must be starving" Minho let Soonie out of his hold as he went to fetch the cat food and fill up the three bowls by the edge of the fridge.

As soon as the dancer started pouring the food into the individual bowls he heard the two other cats make their way to the kitchen.

"Oh so you come for the food, not for me, I see how it is" Minho tutted as he stroked Dori and Doongie as they ate from their designated bowls.

He let the cats do their business as he made his way further into the modern kitchen to make his own dinner. After a quick look in the cupboards and fridge, Minho settled for an assortment of a small rice stew and some ramen he had laying around.

Minho was halfway through making his stew when there was a knock at the door.

"Who the heck is outside during this weather?" Minho frowned as he went over to the door.

Pulling open his brown coloured door he was met with the harsh winds and snow, as well as an old man who was carrying a very large bag on his back.

"Hi?" Minho raised an eyebrow slightly confused.

"Hello, I was hoping to just take a few minutes of your time" The man spoke up, "I am selling a few items that I got, if you have a moment I would like to show you the stuff and see if you want to buy anything"  The man said muffled through his mask.

"Uhh..." Minho frowned, confused at what the man was proposing.

"If I can come inside I can show you a few items I reckon you'd like" the man went to take a step forward.

"Yeah no, go away" Minho quickly took a step back and slammed his door in the man's face.

Minho let out a sigh and turned back to go to the kitchen, "Why was he even out there in the first place, there's practically a storm, and there was no way I was letting a stranger into the house" Minho mumbled to himself as he began to cut up from veg for his stew.

Suddenly there was another knock.

"I swear to god..." Minho rolled his eyes as he stormed over to the door as he heard the knocking again.

Pulling it open quickly he was quick with talking before the guy could speak again, "Didn't I tell you n–" Minho lifted his eyes and suddenly came face to face with a familiar set of brown eyes.

"Oh- sun- Jisung.." Minho quickly took a deep breath.

"Hi-i" Jisung lifted his hand from his crossed arms over his chest and gave a small wave.

Minho shook his head lightly and blinked, Jisung was wrapped up in a coat,scarf with no gloves or scarf and he looked freezing. His faded blue hair was practically impossible to see from the snow that was covering it. Minho hadn't seen the boy for over 3 months, he had definitely changed, Minho could tell even with the layers of clothes. 

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